403 forbidden nginx 1.14 0 ubuntu


1, I have configured nginx with multiple locations, one for a laravel project and another for a native php project, Laravel project is working perfectly, but the second location seems to give: “403 Forbidden nginx/1,14,0 Ubuntu “, Here is my default file:

django – 403 Forbidden, Nginx config 25/08/2021
Ubuntu 14 – Nginx 31/10/2014
phpmyadmin – Nginx 403 Forbidden for location and 16/01/2010
php – 403 Forbidden on nginx/1,4,6 Ubuntu

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How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error in NGINX Ubuntu

Wrong Directory Or File Permissions

How to fix NGINX 403 Forbidden

When dealing with servers and web resources, we encounter errors that we cause when performing maintenance and configurations, When you encounter such errors, you need to diagnose and fix the problem as fast as possible to avoid downtime and data loss, How to fix NGINX 403 Forbidden is explained in this article,

nginx 403 forbidden

The username used in the chown command should be the ones which nginx runs with – you can check that by running the command: ps -ef , grep nginx You are looking at the first column on any of the nginx worker processes, Once you chown with the good username you also need to restart nginx: /etc/init,d/nginx restart,

Using command in sudo chmod 777 -R folderpath0chown with www-data:www-data and restart nginx – that should fix the 403 error2Hello I have resized a droplets and it gives me the following error: 403 Forbidden nginx / 1,14,0 Ubuntu is on Ubuntu server 18 I have performed0Everything could be okay with your permissions, In my case, I got the same just because of wrong config, For example no or wrong php settings, no i0@Kamal Nasser , thanks a lot that work great, but only for the main page when a visit a page for example, domain,com/example I get “500 Internal Se0@doper408: Simply replace index,html with your own index,html that you want to use and you should be fine, If it’s a PHP app, replace index,html wi1@Kamal Nasser, I’m Having the same problem, If i keep the index,html file when i go to the domain I see this “Success: You Have Set Up a Virtual Ho0Thanks, this was the output of ps -ef , grep nginx root 14130 1 0 16:06 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx www-data 14132 14130 0 16:1If your file structure is outside the default location, you might need to add the “username” to the “www-data” group, Replace username with the app0Hi, The username used in the chown command should be the ones which nginx runs with – you can check that by running the command: ps -ef , grep ngin2

403 Forbidden nginx/1,4,6 Ubuntu out of nowhere 09/06/2019
I fail to understand why PHPmyadmin is forbidden in Nginx 28/01/2018

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[Résolu] erreur « 403 Forbidden » avec nginx / Serveurs

DVD, clés USB et t-shirts Ubuntu-fr disponibles sur la boutique En Vente Libre, Si vous avez des soucis pour rester connecté, déconnectez-vous puis reconnectez-vous depuis ce lien en cochant la case Me connecter automatiquement lors de mes prochaines visites, À propos de l’équipe du forum, Accueil » Forum » Serveurs » [Résolu] erreur « 403 Forbidden » avec nginx; Pages : 1 #1 Le 28

[RESOLU]Erreur 403 forbidden, installation d 25/02/2018
[Résolu] synaptic : 403 forbidden message erreur
Apache : erreur 403 après upgrade Ubuntu / Autres
phpmyadmin : 403 forbidden ! / Serveurs / Forum Ubuntu-fr,org

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Solucionar un error 403 forbidden en Nginx

Puedes comprobar todo lo anterior, pero también tener en cuenta que en realidad el 403 puede deberse realmente a que se esté intentando acceder a un contenido realmente protegido, por lo que lo correcto sea justamente que el servidor te devuelva el 403, O que sea un directorio y no se encuentre el archivo index,html o index,php para servir,

解决nginx 403forbidden问题_你听见花开的声音了吗-CSDN博客

nginx403 Forbidden errors 表示你在请求一个资源文件但是nginx不允许你查看。403 Forbidden 只是一个HTTP状态码,像404,200一样不是技术上的错误。 哪些场景需要返回403状态码的场景?1,网站禁止特定的用户访问所有内容,例,网站屏蔽某个ip访问。 2,访问禁止目录浏览的目录,例,设置autoindex off后访问目录。

Install and compile nginx 1,14 on Ubuntu 18,04 LTS server

Install and compile Nginx 1,14, Follow the given below steps to install Nginx from source package on Ubuntu 18,04 LTS , Login as root/super user, Login to server as root, In case, you are login as non-root user then you have to switch to super user It need sudeors access,

Fixing 403 Forbidden Nginx Errors

Finding Error Logs

Nginx403 Forbiddenが表示された時のチェックポイント5選

Nginx 1,14,0; 前提 , 設定ファイル 今回はNginx403 Forbiddenが表示された時のチェックポイントを記事にさせていただきました。 以前Apacheでも403エラーの壁にぶち当たったことがあるのですが、Nginxでも403エラーの壁に阻まれてしまいました…NginxもApacheと似ていて、ファイルやディレクトリの権限

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