acalypha indica seeds

Acalypha indica

Acalypha indica, October 6, 2015, Acalypha indica Euphorbiaceae, Axillary inflorescence showing toothed bracts that enclose female flowers Male flowers located on upper section of inflorescence Developing fruits in bracts Abnormal female flower located at tip of inflorescence Stems grooved lengthwise Alternate arrangement with long petioles Leaf strippling by flea bugs cause the …

Acalypha indica L,

Seeds ovoid, ca, 1,5 mm, minutely puncticulate, Fl, and fr, Mar-Oct, Provided by: ,Flora Of CHina @ efloras,org; Source: [, A small or robust annual or woody herb or rarely subshrub up to 2,5 m, but comonly much less, Stems sparingly to evenly crisped-puberulous or tomenlose, Leaves mosaically arranged, Petioles 2-7 -12 cm long, Leaf-blade ovate, rhombic-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-6 -9 x

A review of Acalypha indica L, Euphorbiaceae as

Acalypha indica: A whole plant, B stem and flowers and C seeds, The flower of the Acalypha indica is arranged in numerous lax, erect, elongated, auxiliary spikes, and clusters near the summit of the spikes as shown in Fig, 2B, The female is in white color, scattered, and surrounded by a shortly pedunculate large leafy dentate cuneiform with many nerves bract that is approximately 6–8

Acalypha indica

Acalypha spicata Forssk, Cupamenis indica L, Raf, Ricinocarpus deciduus Forssk, Kuntze, Ricinocarpus indicus L, Kuntze, Common Name: Indian Nettle, Plant Photograph by: Vinayaraj Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3,0, Plant Photograph by: Vinayaraj Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3,0 , Cultivated plant at Pondichery Botanical Garden Photograph by: …

Plant Details

About Acalypha indica Plant : Habit : Small annual herbs, erect, at times diffuse, 30-120 cm high, Stem : Simple or branched, deep-green, hirsute, angular, hairy and deeply grooved in younger parts, more or less terete, glabrous and faintly straite in older, Leaves : Alternate, ovate, rhomboid-ovate, sometimes obovate, subacute or obtuse at apex, cuneate or tapering at base, serrate only in

Acalypha indica L,

Description, Annual herbs, to 60 cm tall; stem striate, pubescent, Leaves 1,2-6,5 x 1-3,8 cm, broadly ovate, base rounded to shortly attenuate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute or obtuse, basally 5-nerved; petiole 1,5-5,5 cm long, Spikes axillary, 2,5-6,2 cm long, monoecious, rachis ending in a …

Uses & Health Benefits of Kuppaimeni

Kuppaimeni is scientifically known as Acalypha Paniculata, It is a popular herb used in the Siddha and Ayurveda medicines, The native of this herb is a tropical region, and now it is widely grown in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Yemen, South Africa, and Indian subcontinents,

Buy Kuppaimeni/Indian Nettle/குப்பைமேனி/Acalypha …

Binomial Name – Acalypha indica Kuppaimeni/Acalypha Indica/Indian Nettle/குப்பைமேனி, Kuppaimeni/Acalypha Indica is an herbaceous annual that has catkin-like inflorescences with cup-shaped involucres surrounding the minute flowers,It is mainly known for its root being attractive to domestic cats, and for its various medicinal uses,

kuppaimeni Acalypha indica

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Acalypha indica

Aristamanjari, Acalypha indica, Acalypha indica is an annual to sometimes short-lived perennial herb that usually grows up to 1,5 metres tall, It is an important medicinal plant in the Indian Ocean islands as well as in India, This is plant belongs to Ephorbeaceae family,

Acalypha Hispida Seeds

Acalypha Hispida Seeds, The distinctive chenille plant Acalypha hispida, an attractive and showy staple of tropical gardens, grows in U,S, Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b

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