afghanistan war 2018

2018 in Afghanistan


Afghanistan War 2018

Afghanistan War 2018 reports – SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www,youtube,com/channel/UCsLluS2LcHTbP7L7YvNylPw?sub_confirmation=1 2018 marks 17 years of US occupati

War in Afghanistan 2001–2021

War in Afghanistan 2001–2021 Part of the Global War on Terrorism and the continuous Afghanistan conflict: Top, and clockwise from top-left: A US Air Force fighter aircraft dropping JDAMs on a cave in eastern Afghanistan; US soldiers in a firefight with Taliban forces in Kunar Province; An Afghan National Army soldier surveying atop a Humvee; Afghan and US soldiers move through snow in


October 18, 2018 , The Weekly Standard The Afghanistan War Is Over, We Lost, The Taliban, which knows the U,S, is desperate to leave, just attacked a meeting between Afghan officials and the top U,S, military commander,

War in Afghanistan

Learn about the War in Afghanistan and keep up with recent developments on the Center for Preventive Action’s Global Conflict Tracker,

Remember the Afghanistan War? – The Moderate Voice

Raider Brigade soldiers providing security near their armored vehicle in Afghanistan, September 21, 2018, DoD photo, The memories of what many …

Afghanistan: Civilian deaths at record high in 2018

More civilians were killed last year in Afghanistan than at any time since records have been kept, according to a new report from the UN, There were 3,804 civilian deaths in 2018, including 927

Afghanistan War US Forces in Heavy Fighting Clashes and

The war in Afghanistan is the period in which the United States invaded the country after the September 11 attacks, supported initially by close allies, and

The U,S, War in Afghanistan

The Taliban, which rose from the ashes of Afghanistan’s post-Soviet civil war, provides al-Qaeda sanctuary for operations, 2001 Afghans carry a picture of Massood in Kabul, Afghanistan,

Guerre d’Afghanistan 2001-2021 — Wikipédia

La guerre d’Afghanistan oppose à partir d’octobre et novembre 2001 les États-Unis, avec la contribution militaire de l’Alliance du Nord et d’autres nations occidentales Royaume-Uni, France, Canada, etc,, au régime taliban,Cette guerre s’inscrit dans la « guerre contre le terrorisme » déclarée par l’administration Bush à la suite des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 à New York et

US Will Reportedly Spend $45 Bln on War in Afghanistan in 2018

US Will Reportedly Spend $45 Bln on War in Afghanistan in 2018 MOSCOW Sputnik – The United States will spend $45 billion on military operations in Afghanistan in 2018, local media reported, citing a senior Pentagon 07,02,2018, Sputnik International

Taliban are back

After 20 years of war, the Taliban has swept to victory in Afghanistan, The group completed their shockingly rapid advance across the country by capturing Kabul on 15 August,

Non-international armed conflicts in Afghanistan

​​Intensity of Violence

Afghanistan : dernières actus et infos sur ce pays d’Asie

Afghanistan : notre dossier spécial sur la crise afghane, Carrefour de l’Asie centrale, entouré par le Pakistan, l’Iran, le Turkménistan, l’Ouzbékistan, le Tadjikistan et la Chine, l

Afghanistan news map

Afghanistan news map – security alerts from Afghanistanafghanistan,liveuamap,com, source On live map, Tell friends, Liveuamap News, Jump to map, Watch more, Syria Russian warplanes bombard the areas of “Tal Al-Khader, Tardin and Jabal Barzeh” in the northern countryside of Lattakia with missiles, Iran 1 of 13 Iranian boats harassing U,S, warships in Strait of Hormuz today: 5th Fleet, …

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