antilles volcanic arc

Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc


The Lesser Antilles volcanic chain: a study in arc

The Lesser Antilles volcanic arc is related to subduction of the American plate under the Caribbean plate, The rate of subduction is low, 2–4 cm a −1, and this has been reflected, at least over the past 0,1 Ma, in relatively low magma production rates 3–5 km 3 Ma −1 km −1 of arc, The arc is segmented; a northern segment trends 330° and the Benioff zone dips at 50–60°, whilst

The Lesser Antilles volcanic chain: a study in arc

The Lesser Antilles volcanic arc is related to subduction of the American plate under the Caribbean plate, The rate of subduction is low, 2–4 cm a −1, and this has been reflected, at least over the past 0,1 Ma, in relatively low magma production rates 3–5 km 3 Ma −1 km −1 of arc, The arc is segmented; a northern segment trends 330° and the Benioff zone dips at 50–60°, whilst

Active Volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles – JOIDES Resolution

The Lesser Antilles island arc is a curved chain of volcanoes ~850 km in length located between Puerto Rico and Venezuela, This is where the Caribbean plate meets the Atlantic crust belonging to North American plate, Currently, there are five active volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles arc, Teaser photo to Left credit, Montserrat Volcano Observatory From north to south first is Montserrat’s

Geochemistry of the Lesser Antilles volcanic island arc

New analyses of 1518 rocks for major and certain trace elements are used to examine chemical variations between the 15 larger volcanic islands of the Lesser Antilles island arc, The depth to the top of the subduction zone dipping westward at about 40° lies about 100km below all the volcanoes of the arc, Most of the sampled eruptions are post-Miocene 5-1 m,y, although south of Martinique

Map of the Lesser Antilles island arc showing islands in

The Lesser Antilles volcanic arc has been historically regarded as a reference-type location for intraoceanic volcanic arc magmatism, whose study has shed significant light on the geological

Lesser Antilles


Volcanic Arc – an overview

A volcanic arc is a chain of volcanoes, hundreds to thousands of miles long, that forms above a subduction zone, An island volcanic arc forms in an ocean basin via ocean-ocean subduction, The Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska and the Lesser Antilles south of Puerto Rico are examples, A continental volcanic arc forms along the margin of a continent where oceanic crust subducts beneath

The role of subduction erosion in the generation of Andean 30/11/2020
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Continental Arc – an overview , ScienceDirect Topics 18/05/1980

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Géologie des Antilles

C’est l’une des plus grandes îles de l’arc des Antilles, Du nord au sud elle est parcourue par une chaîne montagneuse formée de roches volcaniques, Le sommet de cette chaîne culmine à 1 467 m au niveau du volcan de La Soufrière, C’est le plus haut sommet des Petites Antilles, Figure 1: Carte morphologique de la …

Variable water input controls evolution of the Lesser

Variable water input controls evolution of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc Abstract, Oceanic lithosphere carries volatiles, notably water, into the mantle through subduction at convergent plate Main, The 750-km-long Lesser Antilles volcanic

Variable water input controls evolution of the Lesser

Here, as part of a multi-disciplinary project in the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc 3, we studied boron trace element and isotopic fingerprints of melt inclusions, These reveal that serpentine-that is, hydrated mantle rather than crust or sediments-is a dominant supplier of subducted water to the central arc, This serpentine is most likely to reside in a set of major fracture zones subducted

Plutonic xenoliths from Martinique, Lesser Antilles

The Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc is remarkable for the abundance and variety of erupted plutonic xenoliths, These samples provide a window into the deeper crust and record a more protracted crystallisation history than is observed from lavas alone, We present a detailed petrological and in situ geochemical study of xenoliths from Martinique in order to establish their petrogenesis, pre

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