astronomical observatory near me

Astronomical Observatories

2021 Global Observatory Directory, Directory of over 1,000 professional astronomical observatories and telescopes worldwide, Also see the Event Horizon Telescope, radio telescopes, space telescopes, and space ports,

Astronomy Clubs Near Me: Amateur Astronomers Connector

To submit your own club, museum, observatory, planetarium or special-interest group, please use our Clubs & Organizations submission form, To update your previously …

Astronomy, Maryland

mailing address: Observatory, c/o Elizabeth Warner, Dept, of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, 1113 Physical Sciences Complex, Building 415, College Park, MD 20742 – 2421 Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies

Observatories in the UK

Observatories in the UK, There are a surprising number of observatories across the United Kingdom, perhaps reflecting the long history the country has with astronomy,

Observatories in Massachusetts

There are 20 astronomical observatories in the state of Massachusetts that have professional telescopes used for astronomy research, Some observatories are complexes that host multiple telescopes at the same site, Not all observatories may be open to the public, Please contact them for any public outreach programs, Also see

List of astronomical observatories

39 lignesAntimatter observatory, Airborne observatory, Radio observatory, Microwave …

Planetariums, Observatories

Egan Observatory at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers- 16″ Ritchey-Chrétien telescope and 5 smaller computer guided go-to telescopes, Here’s a google maps satellite view of the observatory dome, and here’s a link with more info about the observatory, Public access through Southwest Florida Astronomical Society,

Quad Cities Astronomical Society – The Universe Awaits

The observatory is as much a temple for me as the Shaar was, Frank brings a lifetime of experience to the observatories he builds and repairs, He came up with a plan that would restore my building with a brand new sliding roof, Working occasionally with assistants but mostly alone, the construction took several months, virtually all last winter and spring, Actually my sliding roof is the

Australian Astronomical Observatory

The Australian Astronomical Observatory AAO, formerly the Anglo-Australian Observatory, was an optical and near-infrared astronomy observatory with its headquarters in North Ryde in suburban Sydney, Australia,Originally funded jointly by the United Kingdom and Australian governments, it was managed wholly by Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary

Observatories of Ohio

Perkins Observatory – July 2015, This site is a place where visitors may see and learn about the rich astronomical heritage of the state of Ohio, This Great Lakes state is not known for many days of crystalline skies, and yet several outstanding observatories have been built here and equipped with their day’s cutting-edge telescopes,

Astronomical Society of Harrisburg

Astronomical Society of Harrisburg, Home, Public Observing, Meetings, Tour of Naylor Observatory, Join ASH, ASH Photos and Events , Donate, More, Public Observing, Public Observing for remainder of 2021 cancelled, The remainder of the 2021 Public Observing schedule has been cancelled due the worsening COVID-19 situation, Hopefully the numbers will improve by spring for us to resume a …

Peoria Astronomical Society

The members of the Peoria Astronomical Society could be content with bringing their private telescopes to our dark sky observatory near Jubilee State Park, or with observing through the society’s telescopes there, However, we are committed to bringing astronomy to where the people are and where they can conveniently observe the Moon, planets, stars, and comets, Our public education program

National Optical Astronomy Observatory

As of 1 October 2019, NOAO has joined with Gemini Observatory and LSST operations to create a new organization, NSF’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory NSF’s NOIRLab, As the preeminent US center for ground-based optical-infrared astronomy, the new organization brings together diverse pathways for astronomical exploration, serves as a focal point …

Reimers Observatory

Reimers Observatory Reopens in November, Reimers Observatory will resume public programs in late November, after being closed due to COVID since March 2020! Reservations are still required to maintain the quality of the visitor experience, We will be posting more dates for December in the days to come, At our observatory, you have the opportunity to see a star-filled sky without needing to

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