awate eritrean ministers killed

Awate Eritrean Ministers Killed

Independent Eritrean news and information outlet, Gaurav Awate, Idris Awate, Awate Eritrea Asmara Ethiopia, Awate Eritrean Ministers Killed,

Eritrean News

Eritrea has been a training ground for Sudanese opposition groups that finally made peace with … Read More » Awate,com and Negarit 2021 Fundraising Drive, Awate Team September 2, 2021 246, https://gofund,me/823dd2b7 Since the launch of awate,com on Sept,1, 2000, it has been a labor of … Read More » Happy Awate Day: September 1, 2021, Awate Team August 31, 2021 49, Today is …

Awate Team, Gedab News, Articles, Columns, Videos, عربي

An Eritrean Opposition Group Claims To Have killed

In a statement it issued, an Eritrean opposition group known as United Eritrean Democratic Front UEDF said that its elements have attacked a government security squad led by Captain Negassi Seare and killed all its members, According to the statement, the attack was carried out on Sunday 11pm local time, on January 11, 2015 in …

Shots Fired, Stoning in Eritrea’s Capital

Shots Fired, Stoning in Eritrea’s Capital, On Sunday, April 3, in the Shuq area of Asmara, Eritrean soldiers escorting convoys of conscripts opened fire on young recruits and civilians, killing and injuring an undisclosed number, The conscripts were en-route from training camps in Western Eritrea to Assab where they were, allegedly, to work

Eritrea: Reliable news, analysis & information by awate

By awate team – Sep 01, 2007 a governing structure with ministers and governors, the actual ruling is done from one center: the presidential palace, It is no longer of any use to talk of “Central committee” or the “PFDJ” because those who are responsible for participating in the drafting and the execution of the draconian measures that have turned Eritrea into a big jail are no more than

The Plight Of “Zuria 26” Enrages Eritrean Youth

The interesting thing is that the regime possibly charlie are noting what is debated here at awate,com Recently, we discussed how the reporting of the last Cabinet of Ministers was shabby and its reporting on the second day session was rather more expanded didn’t address core issues though, Again, two days ago, we mentioned the fact that the regime has no care towards Eritrean lives

ENCDC Expresses Its Support for the Eritrean

Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers demand for demilitarization of disputed areas May 14th, 1998, The stage was set, war was imminent, After the devastating wars, a half way house was accepted, A demilitarized zone with pre war civilian administration, Doesn’t this speak to the fact that both escalated and both made concessions? As, we both are old hands on this debate, I just wanted to highlight

Eritrea 2020: The Peace Dividend is War

Eritrea 2020: The Peace Dividend is War, Saleh Younis January 4, 2021 Eritrea Digest 95, What follows is a synopsis of what transpired in, and to, Eritrea and Eritreans in 2020, Retrospectives are selective, reflecting the author’s bias so, forewarned, it will not include lines like “The Habela-Cheatat road construction has begun,

Eritrea: War, Peace and Reforms

The Ethiopian government made peace with Isaias Afwerki, This is the de facto of what happened as Isaias and his regime have no mandate from the people to make peace with Ethiopia although peace is what every Eritrean been longing for since a very long time, Isaias has …


For almost two and a half years, Awate provided its readers with the latest news on Eritrea, I later came to know that Ali Abdu, the then Minister of Information and propaganda machine of the regime, became so furious that he suspected members of the ministry of sending information to Awate, I felt very sad when I heard later that he forced several employees to give him their email passwords

2, SCORCHED EARTH IN ERITREA, 1961-77 Background to the

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ministers, A strike by the Eritrean labor unions in 1958 was met with violence — over 200 strikers were detained and 60 injured by soldiers, Finally, in 1962, coerced and bribed, and with the building surrounded by soldiers, the Assembly members voted to dissolve the Federation, Throughout the 1940s there had been widespread shifta activity in the lowlands, with up to 3,000 bandits active

Awate,com’s Saleh Johar interviews Meles Zenawi 2008

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia was interviewed by Saleh Johar of awate,com, The interview was conducted in English tape recorded at the PM’s office in Addis Ababa on May 12, 2008 and transcribed for publication on May 23, 2008, It is composed of four topics: 1 Ethiopia; 2 Ethio-Arab relations; 3 Sudan-Eritrea-Ethiopia and 4

Eritrea opposition: Security forces kill 28 protesters

Eritrea opposition: Security forces kill 28 protesters, Groups raise alarm as security forces open fire on protesting students after government crackdown on Islamic school, Security forces killed

afrol News

Killed Eritrean journalists: Said Abdulkader, including former ministers, other senior officials, high-ranking military officers, government opponents and eight of the 13 journalists held since a round-up in September 2001, Initially published in Tigrinya language on 17 August on aigaforum,com, an Ethiopian website, it was translated into English and posted on 31 August on awate,com, an

The ELF and EPLF leaders’ crime

Since 2001 Human Rights organizations, civic society, journalists and NGO have published enormous number of articles, reports, press statements etc, on prisoners and prison conditions in Eritrea, These can be found in the reports of Amnesty international, Reporters Without Borders, CJP and other Human Rights organizations, including on the Asmarino,com, Awate and other Eritrean websites,

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