cbs a360a heterozygous

CBS gene

Risk Description , The risk ‘T’ allele in 23andme the risk allele is “A” of rs1801181 or C1080T also called A360A in the CBS gene has been associated with a very mild risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma 3,The risk described by the authors is mild and they are unable to describe a mechanism although an association with low dietary vitamin B6 and methionine intake was observed,

CBS Mutation and Low Sulfur Diet

My son is hetero for both 699T and A360A, He is also however: compound MTHFR heterozygous COMT V158M and H62H heterozygous MTR A756G homozygous MAO-A r6323 homozygous VDR VSM and Taq heterozygous MTRR A66G heterozygous, I have listed those above I case they impact the CBS gene, We drink tap water using a carbon filter and I am nervous about that, …

CBS A360A – Metabolic Healing

Tag Archives: CBS A360A, You are here: Home; Entries tagged with “CBS A360A” Metabolic Gateways: CBS Gene Mutations & Glutathione, By Michael Mcevoy, It is important to address that the information regarding CBS pathway activity is still very new, and not everything is well known or understood with regards to what is actually… Read more, Search: Recent Articles, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis


In the process of methylation, the Cystathionine Beta Synthase CBS genes CBSA13637G, CBS C19150T, CBS C699T and CBS A360A produces the cystathionine beta synthase enzyme, The purpose of this enzyme is to take a substance called homocysteine, with the help of Vitamin B6, and turn the homocysteine into other substances, This is called Transsulfuration, However, when there are …

CBS Gene Mutation and Low Sulfur Diet

Diet for CBS C699T or A360A: If you carry the C699T or A360A variants, there is no evidence that I can find that suggests that you should go on a restrictive, low-sulfur diet, A low sulfur-diet may help some people for other reasons, but the evidence doesn’t support the CBS genetic variants as a problem, Instead, if you have other methylation cycle variants, you may want to focus on eating a

Metabolic Gateways: CBS Gene Mutations & Glutathione


A Closer Look at Genetic Mutations and How They Work

+/+ MTHFR A1298C, VDR Taq, BHMT-08, CBS A360A +/-COMT V158M, COMT H62H, MTRR A66G, BHMT-02, BHMT-04, AHCY-01, AHCY-02, AHCY-19; I decided to put this blog post together to summarize how each of these things specifically affects my body, I’m going to tackle the homozygous SNPs first, the ones where I have two copies of the “bad” SNP, I’ll tackle the …

Yasko Methylation

CBS Gene , rs234706 – CBS C699T Risk Allele: A rs1801181 – CBS A360A Risk Allele: T, 23andMe: A rs2298758 – CBS I278T Risk Allele: G Limits homocystine into downstream path, People with CBS mutations will need to be careful with sulfur containing supplements, Increased risk for ammonia detoxification issues, Puts a burden on SUOX,

CBS Cystathionine Beta Synthase Gene Mutations

CBS A13637G; A360A; CBS C*351T; CBS C1915OT; Test C699T; CBS G*299A; Test CBS T*330C; CBS Trans-Sulfuration Pathway, CBS A13637G A360A; CBS C*351T; CBS C19150T Test CBS C699T; CBS G*299A; CBS T*330C; Looking for CBS gene mutation treatments, contact us here, Russell Browne Researched and verified by Russell Browne SNHS Dip, Advanced Nutrition – specialist expertise in …

The Enzyme CBS: Cystathione Beta Synthase

Both the CBS homozygous and heterozygous mutations also have a higher risk for ammonia detoxification issues, This mutation can also indirectly affect an enzyme called G6PDH, which has negative effects on blood sugar metabolism, red blood cell formation, and blood vessel stability, leading to easy bruising, bleeding, and broken blood vessels along with vascular imbalances, Symptoms include

CBS Protocol

The CBS homozygote you list in you signature is the A360A +/+, That is not the C699T mutation that is correlated with increased trans-sulfuration flux which is only a 10-15% bump anyways, the 10x upregulation is a faulty meme perpetuated by the Yasko followers that is simply wrong, Dr Yasko is to my knowledge the only one that sees A360A relevance to clinical observations and I am pretty

Now that I know what gene mutations we are dealing with

CBS A360A; CBS Mutations, CBS cystathionine beta synthase catalyzes the first step of the transsulfuration pathway, from homocysteine to cystathionine, Dr, Yasko considers addressing CBS mutations as first priority aside from addressing the gut, CBS defects are actually upregulations, This means the enzyme works too fast, In these patients, it’s common to see low levels of cystathionine …

23 and Me and my DS–Mind exploding messily 16/05/2013
how did you treat the MTHFR mutation? 12/11/2012
MTHFR mutation 20/05/2012
Well, so we have a diagnosis, 16/06/2010

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My genetics – How I Recovered

ACE heterozygous mutation – converts Angiotensin I, a weak vasoconstrictor, into Angiotensin II, a CBS A13637G: rs2851391: T: CC-/-CBS A360A: rs1801181: A: GG-/-CBS C19150T: rs4920037: A: GG-/-CBS C699T: rs234706: A: GG-/-CBS N212N: rs2298758: A: GG-/-COMT: rs6269: G: GG +/+ COMT -61 P199P: rs769224: A: GG-/-COMT H62H: rs4633 : T: CC-/-COMT V158M: rs4680: A: GG-/-COMT one …

Quixotic: My M,E, Blog: Nutrigenomics: Addressing CBS

Personally, I am heterozygous for CBS A360A and 3 of the 4 BHMT mutations: 2, 4, and 8, 1 is not tested by 23andMe, CONCLUSION: LIKELY PROBLEM, Conclusion, It’s still a little unclear, but to be safe, I’m going to assume that I have a slight to moderate issue with CBS up-regulation, and cut down a little on the highest sulfur foods, but I won’t radically change my diet, I will also

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