chiapas forest

Exploitation et conservation des milieux forestiers du

The Chiapas is a Mexican region that is characterized by a climate and a forest vegetation of the tropical type, The growth and changes in the socio-economic systems have brought about serious degradations and destruction of the natural environments, unstabilizing the situation of the local populations, Moreover, one encounters in this region a large Indian population that is in a disastrous

Chiapas montane forests




Chiapas Depression dry forests

The Chiapas Depression dry forests ecoregion has a hot, dry climate, Ecology, Its biodiversity is high, with about 980 plant species, and includes 40% of the endemic species of dry ecosystems found in Mexico, It also forms a corridor that connects two major biogeographic region, the Gulf of Mexico on the east and the Pacific in the west, Icterus galbula in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico Bombycilla

chiapas forest

chiapas forest is a sim on secondlife where residents can rent spaces to raise and sell meeroos, there are also auctions for selling meeroos,

Lacandon Jungle

The Chiapas portion is located on the Montañas del Oriente Eastern Mountains centered on a series of canyonlike valleys called the Cañadas, between smaller mountain ridges oriented from northwest to southeast, It is bordered by the Guatemalan border on two sides with Comitán de Domínguez to the southwest and the city of Palenque to north, Dividing the Chiapas part of the forest from the

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

El Triunfo is the most diverse evergreen cloud forest in Mexico, and one of the most important sites for bird migration, It is covered with evergreen seasonal forest, montane rainforest and lower montane rainforest that contain a higher proportion of endemic plants, A number of threatened mammalian species can be found in the reserve, namely Geoffroy’s spider monkey, margay, jaguar and puma

Visiter le Chiapas: TOP 15 des choses à faire et à voir

1, Le site archéologique de Palenque, Parmi les lieux à voir absolument au Chiapas se trouve Palenque qui fut une des plus importantes cités mayas, au même titre que Tikal au Guatemala et Calakmul dans l’État de Campeche,, Comme elle se trouve au coeur de la jungle, la visite de Palenque est accompagnée des chants des oiseaux exotiques et des cris des singes!

Chiapas: Forever Indigenous

Chiapas in the 1921 Census, In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including “indígena pura” pure indigenous, “indígena mezclada con blanca” indigenous mixed with white and “blanca” white,Out of a total state population of 421,744, 200,927 persons or 47,6% claimed to be of pure indigenous


Pour vivre une expérience complète au Chiapas, il ne faut pas manquer les visites des villages indigènes des alentours, c’est un autre monde! On débute notre journée “culture” avec San Juan de Chamula, Une place centrale bondée par un marché les vendredis et une mignonne église colorée d’apparence catholique, L’intérêt se porte à l’intérieur…Malheureusement stricteme

Chiapas — Wikipédia


Deforestation in Chiapas, Mexico

Chiapas, Mexico was once a rich forest filled with abundant flora and fauna, However, mass logging and illegal logging practices have caused widespread deforestation in the area, leading to a loss of wildlife and biomass, The Sierra Madre region also became environmentally degraded, In 1998, the region was struck by a series of 3 hurricanes – Xavier, Georges, and Mitch – and the badly

Dozens of armed farmers reject ruling on Mexico land

Dozens of Mexican farmers armed with rifles and shotguns have gathered in a pocket of mountain forest in southern Mexico to angrily reject a Supreme …

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