clang tidy modernize


clang-tidy – modernize-use-auto « modernize-unary-static-assert :: Contents :: modernize-use-bool-literals » modernize-use-auto¶ This check is responsible for using the auto type specifier for variable declarations to improve code readability and maintainability, For example: std:: vector :: iterator I = my_container, begin ; // transforms to: auto I = my_container, begin ; The

Clang-Tidy, part 1: Modernize your source code using C++11

Motivation: The Joy of Legacy Code Bases


Reverse Iterator Support ¶, The converter is also capable of transforming iterator loops which use rbegin and rend for looping backwards over a container, Out of the box this will automatically happen in C++20 mode using the ranges library, however the check can be configured to work without C++20 by specifying a function to reverse a range


clang-tidy – modernize-use-override « modernize-use-nullptr :: Contents :: modernize-use-trailing-return-type » modernize-use-override¶ Adds override introduced in C++11 to overridden virtual functions and removes virtual from those functions as it is not required, virtual on non base class implementations was used to help indicate to the user that a function was virtual, C++ compilers


Extra Clang Tools 14 documentation clang-tidy – modernize-pass-by-value « modernize-make-unique :: Contents :: modernize-raw-string-literal » modernize-pass-by-value ¶ With move semantics added to the language and the standard library updated with move constructors added for many types it is now interesting to take an argument directly by value, instead of by const-reference, and then copy


modernize-use-equals-default, ¶, This check replaces default bodies of special member functions with = default;, The explicitly defaulted function declarations enable more opportunities in optimization, because the compiler might treat explicitly defaulted functions as trivial, Move-constructor and move-assignment operator are not supported yet,


To use Clang Tidy modernize directly inside Visual Studio you can try my Clang Power Tools vs-extension, It has the Clang Tidy-Fix feature which can modernize your code automatically, You mentioned that you run Clang Tidy on a single file, You can use the tidy command from vs-toolbar, which will run tidy on the editor’s active file, If you want to execute tidy on multiple files use the

I am a Cppcheck developer, You can run clang-tidy on visual studio solutions in the Cppcheck GUI, It is a free open source GPL tool, You can down4Visual Studio 2019 version 16,4+ has native support for clang-tidy !1To use Clang Tidy modernize directly inside Visual Studio you can try my Clang Power Tools vs-extension, It has the Clang Tidy-Fix feature which c0

clang-tidy: How to suppress C++ warnings in C header file 20/06/2021
c++ – Which clang-tidy checks provide automated fixes

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Extra Clang Tools 14 documentation

All clangmodernize transforms have moved to ClangTidy see the modernize module, Contents,

Clang-Tidy — Extra Clang Tools 14 documentation

clang-tidy is a clang-based C++ “linter” tool, Its purpose is to provide an extensible framework for diagnosing and fixing typical programming errors, like style violations, interface misuse, or bugs that can be deduced via static analysis, clang-tidy is modular and provides a convenient interface for writing new checks, Using clang-tidyclang-tidy is a LibTooling-based tool, and it’s

Modernize Your C++ code

Modernize your C++ code C++11/C++14/C++17 includes several additions to the core language and extends the C++ standard library, Some of these new features are very easy to use and bring a big added value to your C++ projects, It’s interesting to detect automatically places where we can use some C++11 new features, For such needs clangmodernize is a standalone tool used to automatically

clang-tidy : mes notes et mes remarques pour bien débuter

clangtidy : mes notes et mes remarques pour bien débuter, Ne cherchez plus clangmodernize il est dorénavant inclus dans clangtidy, Je suis sous Windows 10, dans une console classique ou une console Powershell, Pour une première invocation, on peut essayer : 1, clangtidy raspicam,cpp -checks=* — -std=c++11,


尝试了较长时间的 ccls,不得不说整体性能和功能上是令人满意的,但是缺乏和clangtidy的整合,以及一些花里胡哨的功能,我曾经短暂尝试过clangd的效果,但是当时的clangd 的效果极差进入单个文件之后并 …


Clang-Tidy must be installed, The extension will look for the clang-tidy executable in your PATH by default, Clang-Tidy is part of LLVM, which can be downloaded here, Alternatively, use your system’s package manager, Extension Settings, This extension contributes the following settings: clang-tidy,executable: The path to the clang-tidy

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Clang-Tidy integration

With ,clangtidy files, you can set per-directory configurations: for each source file, ClangTidy will attempt to read configuration from ,clangtidy in the closest parent directory,,clangtidy files are in the YAML format, For a syntax example, let’s enable all of the ClangTidy checks and provide the additional option to modernize-use-nullptr:

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