constituency in a sentence

Use constituency in a sentence

How to use constituency in a sentence, Example sentences with the word constituency, The most voted sentence example for constituency is He left his constituency to fi

How to use “constituency” in a sentence

The president, elected from the national constituency, reflected a different set of popular wishes,: Other party officials say that on the ground there is immense hostility to him and he has few supporters left in the constituency,: But to succeed in elections, they must appeal to their core constituency of extremely conservative voters in the south,: He represents the Meath constituency in

constituency in a sentence

Examples of constituency in a sentence, how to use it, 99 examples: Of the city’s fifteen parliamentary constituencies, ten went unionist, three…

Constituency in a sentence

Constituency in a sentence , constituency example sentences Some of the people of that constituency authorize a, She was alone, in the automated constituency of tomorrow’s misfortunes, While covering the constituency, I would often bump into someone from Delhi, It …

Constituency: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE

Constituency in a Sentence, voters that elect representatives based on area or interests, Most of the constituency in California voted for the democratic candidate, The consistency traditionally supports candidates with a pro-guns platform, Not visiting the district before the election caused the senator to lose votes of most of the area’s

Constituency in a sentence, The word Constituency in

Constituency example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste, Top searched words; Words A-Z; Constituency in a sentence The word “constituency” in a example sentences, Learn the definition of constituency and how to use it in a sentence, This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them, Easily browse through english …

Use constituencies in a sentence

How to use constituencies in a sentence, Example sentences with the word constituencies, The most voted sentence example for constituencies is The colonial representatives e


Constituency definition is – a body of citizens entitled to elect a representative as to a legislative or executive position, How to use constituency in a sentence,

8,3 Constituents – Essentials of Linguistics

Standing here in isolation, the sentence might sound a little unnatural, but we can imagine a context where it would be fine, such as, “At the department store, she bought socks, at the pharmacy she bought some toothpaste, and at that strange little shop, she bought a top,” On the other hand, if we target a smaller string of words: Nimra bought a top from that strange little shop, * From


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Constituency can be shown using a syntax tree, • Trees have nodes & branches • A particular node may have a mother, a sister, and/or a daughter, CONSTITUENTS • Some words are more closely related than others, [My [mangy dog]] [will [chase [her cat]]], My mangy [dog will] chase her cat, • Words that are closely related can be manipulated in the syntax, It is my mangy dog that will

Use “constituency” in a sentence + Audio

constituency” in Sentence Examples + Audio, Read on to learn how to use constituency in a sentence,If you have been looking for the Short & Simple Example Sentence For constituency or constituency in sentence examples with audio, then you are right here,

Constituent linguistics


Constituency Sentence Examples

Constituency sentence examples:1,there were about three hundred coloured voters in the Constituency,2,another project aims to parcel a scenic bit of the Constituency and sell it to a university to set up a campus for 5, 000-odd students,3,we had a broader, geographically much wider, Constituency we were trying to defend,4,m

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