coronal rain

Coronal rain


SDO Shows A Little Rain On the Sun

Caption: On July 19, 2012, an eruption occurred on the sun that produced a moderately powerful solar flare and a dazzling magnetic display known as coronal rain, Hot plasma in the corona cooled and condensed along strong magnetic fields in the region, Magnetic fields, are invisible, but the charged plasma is forced to move along the lines, showing up brightly in the extreme ultraviolet

APOD: 2018 May 27

Coronal Rain on the Sun Video Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, SVS, GSFC, NASA; Music: Thunderbolt by Lars Leonhard Explanation: Does it rain on the Sun?Yes, although what falls is not water but extremely hot plasma,An example occurred in mid-July 2012 after an eruption on the Sun that produced both a Coronal Mass Ejection and a moderate solar flare,

SVS: July 2012: Coronal Rain

July 2012: Coronal Rain, A moderate solar flare was emitted by the sun on July 19, 2012, At 5:58 UTC it peaked at M7,7 on the flare scale, which makes it fairly powerful, but still much weaker than X-class flares, which are the largest, What made this particular event so noteworthy was the associated activity in the sun’s corona,

When and how it rains on the sun

Coronal rain is a somewhat similar process, but with a completely different composition of the rain itself, As for helping to solve some of the sun’s mysteries, the coronal rain provides some clues,

APOD: 2013 February 26

Coronal Rain on the Sun Video Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, SVS, GSFC, NASA; Music: Thunderbolt by Lars Leonhard Explanation: Does it rain on the Sun? Yes, although what falls is not water but extremely hot plasma, An example occurred in mid-July 2012 after an eruption on the Sun that produced both a Coronal Mass Ejection and a moderate solar flare,

Watch coronal rain fall on sun’s surface

NASA’s NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory Little SDO posted this on Facebook yesterday February 20, 2013, It’s a beautiful video showing the dazzling …

Solar Coronal Rain on Our Sun Links Two Mysteries

Coronal rain, like that shown in this movie from NASA’s SDO in 2012, is sometimes observed after solar eruptions, when the intense heating associated with a solar flare abruptly cuts off after the eruption and the remaining plasma cools and falls back to the solar surface, Mason was searching for coronal rain not associated with eruptions, but instead caused by a cyclical process of …

New Formation Mechanism Proposed for Solar Coronal Rain

Coronal rain usually takes place in post-flare loops and the non-flaring active region coronal loops, It is generally classified into two categories: flare-driven and quiescent coronal rain, depending on its relation to the flare, Both kinds of coronal rain form along structures that are magnetically closed, Recently, a research team led by Dr, LI Leping from the National Astronomical

Researchers study the sun’s coronal rain in great detail

Date de publication : juin 24, 2014Temps de Lecture Estimé: 4 mins

The coronal rain shower appears as the labelled giant arching water-fall-like flow, At the top left the Earth is depicted on the same scale, Credit: E, Scullion / SST At the top left the Earth is

Scientists propose new formation mechanism for solar

Coronal rain usually takes place in post-flare loops and the non-flaring active region coronal loops,It is generally classified into two categories: flare-driven and quiescent coronal rain

Rain on Sun Links Two Solar Mysteries

Coronal rain, like that shown in this movie from NASA’s SDO in 2012, is sometimes observed after solar eruptions, when the intense heating associated with a solar flare abruptly cuts off after the eruption and the remaining plasma cools and falls back to the solar surface, Mason was searching for coronal rain not associated with eruptions, but instead caused by a cyclical process of …

File:Coronal Rain,ogv

Coronal Rain,ogv, English: A movie of the coronal rain right limb of sun in the 304 Å wavelength, The footage in this video was collected by the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s AIA instrument, SDO collected one frame every 12 seconds so each second in this video corresponds to 6 minutes of real time, The video covers 4:30 UTC on July 19th to 2

Why is Sun’s surface cooler than its atmosphere? New

While the Sun’s outermost atmosphere is at temperatures exceeding 2 million degrees Fahrenheit, just 1,000 miles below, the surface, simmers at …

SDO Observes Massive Eruption, Scorching Rain

Coronal rain turns out to be relatively cool—”only” 60,000 K, When the rains falls, it is supported, in part, by an underlying cushion of much hotter material, between 1,000,000 and 2,200,000 K, A color-coded temperature movie of the eruption, Red and oranges are cool 60,000 K – 80,000 K; blues and greens are hot 1,000,000 – 2,200,000 K, The black “hair-like object” is a speck of dust on

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