daf 2 and daf 16

daf-2, daf-16 and daf-23: Genetically Interacting Genes

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daf2, daf-23 and daf16 in dauer formation, U NDER optimal growth conditions, Caenorhabditis elegans normally develops continuously with no larval arrest through four larval stages Ll-L4 and then becomes a fertile adult hermaphrodite, However, in en- vironments with a high density of animals and a corre- sponding high level of dauer-inducing pheromone, ani- mals arrest development following

daf-2, daf-16 and daf-23: genetically interacting genes

Mutations in daf16 do not suppress any of the other Daf-c mutants as efficiently as they suppress daf2 and daf-23 mutants, Third, double mutants between either daf2 or daf-23 and several other daf-d mutants exhibit an unusual interaction, Based on these results, we present a model for the function of daf2, daf-23 and daf16 in dauer formation, Publication types Research Support, Non-U,S


DAF16/FOXO receives phosphorylation from the direct upstream AKT kinases mediated signal transduction response to insulin or IGF and is subsequently sequestered in the cytoplasm by 14-3-3 proteins, which antagonizes FoxO and negatively regulates longevity Brunet et al,, 1999,Therefore, any mutations in the pathway genes including the upstream insulin receptor daf2/IGFR, the signal

Activation of DAF-16/FOXO by reactive oxygen species

Since sod-2 can be transcriptionally regulated by DAF16, it is possible that the overlap in gene expression between sod-2 and daf2 worms could results from being in the same pathway daf2daf16 → sod-2daf16 target genes, but, given the function of sod-2, we believe it is more likely that the elevated ROS in sod-2 mutants causes DAF16 activation,

Sulforaphane promotes C, elegans longevity and healthspan

Sulforaphane mediates longevity via DAF2/DAF16 signaling, A Kaplan-Meier survival curves were generated by the use of C, elegans strains with mutations in daf2/daf16, daf-18, age-1, akt-1 and akt-2, and the P values, indicating significance or not, are given within the diagrams, B, C Schematic representation of DAF2/DAF16 signaling under physiological conditions and after …



Calycosin promotes lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans

This observation is consistent with the understanding that the nuclear localized DAF16 up-regulates its downstream targets sod-3, ctl-1, and hsp-16,2, Lastly, it is also noteworthy that the longevity effect of calycosin is likely not associated with the calorie restriction mechanism, Collectively, our results strongly suggest that calycosin could function as an antioxidant to extend the



The C, elegans PTEN homolog, DAF-18, acts in the insulin

The suppression of age-1 mutations by a daf-18 mutation depends on AKT-1/AKT-2 signaling, showing that DAF-18 acts between AGE-1 and the AKT input to DAF16 transcriptional regulation, daf-18 encodes a homolog of the human tumor suppressor PTEN MMAC1/TEP1, which has 3-phosphatase activity toward phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate PIP3, DAF-18 PTEN may normally limit AKT-1 and …

project4-2_ 寿命 老化


Daf-16 – an overview

We found that replacing daf-16/FOXO in neurons or intestine did not rescue the daf-16 mutant phenotype in this case, suppression of daf2 mutant defects though replacing it in the muscle had a mild effect, However, replacing it in the germ line had the strongest effect, Despite being tagged with GFP, the transgene used for these assays was not visible in germ cell nuclei, so we could not

C, elegans の Foxo、DAF-16: 寿命との関係など

概要: C, elegans の Foxo: DAF-16

daf-16 / FOXO

daf16は線虫Caenorhabditis elegans の環境ストレスによる発生スイッチに関わる遺伝子として見出されたが(1)、近年、老化速度・寿命の主要調節因子の一つであることが明らかになった 2, 3, 4。フォークヘッド遺伝子ファミリーのサブグループFOXO遺伝子の一つ

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