definition of per


Per definition is – by the means or agency of : through, How to use per in a sentence, Using per as a Preposition

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Per Definition & Meaning , Dictionary,com www,dictionary,com
word choice – Use of ‘as per‘ vs ‘per‘ – English Language english,stackexchange,com
meaning – What does “Per [person’s name]” mean? – English english,stackexchange,com
per– – Wiktionary en,wiktionary,org
PER SE , meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary dictionary,cambridge,org

Recommandé pour vous en fonction de ce qui est populaire • Avis


Define per, per synonyms, per pronunciation, per translation, English dictionary definition of per, to, for, or by each: one ticket per person; according to: per our agreement Not to be confused with: purr – soft, vibrant sound made by a cat: She will sit

Per Definition & Meaning

Per definition, for each; for every: Membership costs ten dollars per year, This cloth is two dollars per yard, See more,

Per Meaning

What does per mean? Per is defined as to, for, by or according to, preposition An example of per used as a preposition is in the phrase, “

PER Price earning ratio : définition, calcul et synonymes

Qu’est-ce Que Le Per en Bourse ?

Définition PER : tout comprendre le plan épargne retraite

PER entreprise : définition , Le plan épargne retraite d’entreprise anciennement PERCO ou article 83 est mis en place dans certaines entreprises pour tout ou une partie de son effectif, et avec pour objectif de leur permettre de se constituer une pension de retraite, L’objectif est le même que le PER individuel, seulement celui-ci est mis en place dans le cadre professionnel,

Per legal definition of Per

PER, By, When a writ of entry is sued out against the alienee, or descendant of the original disseisor, it is then said to be brought in the per, because the writ states that the tenant had not the entry but by the original wrong doer, 3 Bl, Com, 181,

Player efficiency rating

101 lignesPER takes into account accomplishments, such as field goals, free throws, 3-pointers, …

As Per

As per definition is – in accordance with : according to, How to use as per in a sentence, Is It Grammatically Correct to Say as per?

Per se

Adv, 1, per se – with respect to its inherent nature; “this statement is interesting per se”

Définition Price earning ratio PER

Définition Price earning ratio PER : Le PER est le rapport entre le cours d’une entreprise et son bénéfice après impôts, ramené à une action, Il suffit, pour l’obtenir, de …


per-: word element [L,] 1, throughout; completely; extremely, 2, in chemistry, a large amount; combination of an element in its highest valence,

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