discrete dipole approximation matlab

MATLAB package for discrete dipole approximation by

A MATLAB package describing discrete dipole approximation MPDDA is introduced to calculate the optical properties of arbitrary shaped plasmonic nanoparticles NPs, The polarizability function, induced dipoles, and dipole interaction matrix are discussed, To calculate the dipole moments, Fast Fourier Transform FFT and Biconjugate Gradient BCG were used to reduce the computational …

MATLAB package for discrete dipole approximation by

A MATLAB package describing discrete dipole approximation MPDDA is introduced to calculate the optical properties of arbitrary shaped plasmonic nanoparticles NPs, The polarizability function, induced dipoles, and dipole interaction matrix are discussed, To calculate the dipole moments, Fast Fourier Transform FFT and Biconjugate Gradient BCG were used to reduce the computational time

Discrete-dipole approximation with surface interaction

We describe a MATLAB toolbox that utilizes the discretedipole approximation DDA method for modelling light interaction with arbitrarily-shape scatterers in free space as well with planar surface interaction DDA-SI, The range of applicable models range from optical micromanipulation, plamonics, nano-antennae, near-field coupling and general light interaction with scatterers ranging …

Approximation de dipôle discret

Matlab 2020 Contient une accélération de préconditionnement FI-DDA: PC Chaumet, A, Sentenac et D, Sentenac Fortran et interface utilisateur graphique écrite en C++ avec Qt 2020 Approximation de dipôle discret et sympathique, Code disponible sur github, Peut être utilisé avec openMP et HDF5, Codes DDA spécialisés, Cette liste comprend des codes qui ne correspondent pas à la section

Discrete-dipole approximation with surface interaction

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Discretedipole approximation with surface interaction: Computational toolbox for MATLAB Vincent L,Y, Lokea,b,, M, Pinar Menguc¨ – a, Timo A, Nieminenb a O¨zye˘gin University, School of

DDA with Surface Interaction: Computational Toolbox for MATLAB

Discretedipole approximation DDA u0003 Corresponding author at: The University of Queensland, Quantum Science Laboratory, School of Mathematics and Physics, QLD 4072, The primary objective of DDA is to calculate the x, y Australia, and z components of the dipole moment Pj of each dipole,


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discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction DDA-SI, an open source MATLAB toolbox, as a predictive model to calculate electromagnetic scattering by objects on a surface illuminated by an evanescent wave generated by total internal reflection TIR, Far-field scattering predictions via DDA-SI are validated against scaled microwave experimental results for two objects on a surface


A discrete dipole approximation DDA implementation for the GPU – GitHub – steffen-kiess/dda: A discrete dipole approximation DDA implementation for the GPU

Approximation de dipôle discret

Approximation dipolaire discrète DDA , également connu comme approximation dipolaire couplé , [1] un procédé de calcul de la diffusion du rayonnement par des particules de forme arbitraire , et par des structures périodiques, Étant donné une cible de géométrie arbitraire, on cherche à calculer ses propriétés de diffusion et d’absorption par une approximation de la cible du

A Discrete Dipole Approximation Solver Based on the COCG

We introduce the discrete dipole approximation DDA for efficiently calculating the two-dimensional electric field distribution for our microwave tomographic breast imaging system, For iterative inverse problems such as microwave tomography, the forward field computation is the time limiting step, In this paper, the two-dimensional algorithm is derived and formulated such that the iterative

Discrete-Dipole Approximation For Scattering Calculations

The discrete-dipole approximation DDA for scattering calculations, including the relationship between the DDA and other methods, is reviewed, Computational considerations, i,e,, the use of complex-conjugate gradient algorithms and fast-Fourier-transform methods, are discussed, We test the accuracy of the DDA by using the DDA to compute scattering and absorption by isolated, homogeneous

Discrete dipole approximation


Discrete-dipole approximation with surface interaction

Discretedipole approximation with surface interaction: Computational toolbox for MATLAB

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