dnv gl autonomous ship

DNVGL-CG-0264 Autonomous and remotely operated ships

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Section 1 Class guideline — DNVGL-CG-0264, Edition September 2018 Page 7 Autonomous and remotely operated ships DNV GL AS SECTION 1 GENERAL 1 Introduction

Autonomous and remotely-operated ships


Remote-controlled and autonomous ships position paper

Remote-controlled and autonomous ships position paper, A modern ship today includes complex automated systems, This technological development has allowed for a gradual reduction in crew, Increased data collection, processing and interconnectivity capabilities, enabling the automated systems to be controlled remotely or by algorithms, may grad¬

Autonomous and remotely-operated ships

Research, DNV has initiated or is taking part in various projects revolving around ship automation and autonomous control, The ReVolt project is one example; once all aspects of the autonomous control technology are mature, such a design could possibly be built and deployed as a 100 TEU feeder vessel on fixed routes in coastal waters,

DNV GL’s research within Autonomous Systems

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DNV GL © 2014 SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER DNV GL’s research within Autonomous Systems 1 Nor-Shipping workshop: Professional Insight on Unmanned Ships

Regulating autonomous vehicles

Regulating autonomous vehicles, In early 2019, Elon Musk claimed loud and clear that a self-driving Tesla would be so autonomous by the end of 2020 that you would be able to sleep at the wheel, Yet others working with autonomous transportation are far from sharing the same optimism, The premise of autonomous vehicles promises lower production

Autonomous urban mobility

The Assuring Trustworthy, Safe and Sustainable Transport for All TRUSST project is an industrial research project led by the DNV GL Digital Assurance Research team, in partnership with Zeabuz, a spin off start up emerging from R&D activities on autonomous ships at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, and Marine Technologies as industry partners and NTNU as research

Autonomous ships are coming

Autonomous ships are coming, “We have to know they are as safe as or safer than today’s ships“, When autonomous ships are released into the market in a few years’ time, it is crucial for a company like DNV to know how the technology functions, For this reason, it is working on ReVolt, an autonomy concept, together with the Norwegian University


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2 DNV GL – Maritime Remote-controlled and autonomous ships , 1 POSITION A modern ship today includes complex automat-ed systems, This technological development has allowed for a gradual reduction in crew, Increased data collection, processing and interconnectivity capabilities, enabling the automated systems to be controlled remotely or by algorithms, may grad-ually further reduce manning

Autonomous ships The next step

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DNV GL Classification and regulatory guidelines NAPA Software house providing solutions for ship design and operation Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications AAWA partners Universities Input Aalto / VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Safety and Security Tampere University of Technology / University of Turku Technology Research University of Turku Business Aspects Åbo …

Ship without a helmsman

DNV GL is developing a set of rules, but to avoid potential conflicts with international law autonomous ships will not be able to operate in international waters until the IMO develops appropriate regulations, which will take time, For the deep-sea segments, autonomous shipping is not an option today, says Sames, “These vessels travel distances that go beyond the range of battery propulsion

Research on remotely controlled ships

ReVolt is DNV GL‘s own concept for autonomous ships, A scale model based on this concept is now being used by students at NTNU in Trondheim for testing autonomy and remote control functions, Hardware-In-the-Loop HIL HIL can be compared to a flight simulator for power electronics, The components to be verified are connected to a real-time digital simulator that represents the entire …

MARITIME The Vessel for the Future Is it autonomous

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Automatic v,s, Autonomous Automatic means that a system will do exactly as programmed, it has no choice, Autonomous means that a system has a choice to make free of outside influence, i,e,, an autonomous system has free will, Brian T Clough; Wright-Patterson AFB Some Questions Is an autonomous ship operation: o Possible ? o Useful ? o Safe ?

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