entropic gravity

What is Entropic gravity, also known as emergent gravity?

Entropic gravity is the proposition that gravity is not a basic force elementary force of nature, Just like entropy isn’t an elementary force but the result of alterations within a large

Decoherence-free entropic gravity: Model and experimental

Erik Verlinde’s theory of entropic gravity [E, Verlinde, J, High Energy Phys, 04 2011 029], postulating that gravity is not a fundamental force but rather emerges thermodynamically, has garnered much attention as a possible resolution to the quantum gravity problem, Some have ruled this theory out on grounds that entropic forces are by nature noisy and entropic gravity would therefore

Why gravity is not an entropic force

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Why gravity is not an entropic force Shan Gao Unit for History and Philosophy of Science & Centre for Time, SOPHI, University of Sydney Email: sgao7319@uni,sydney,edu,au The remarkable connections between gravity and thermodynamics seem to imply that gravity is not fundamental but emergent, and in particular, as Verlinde suggested, gravity is probably an entropic force, In this paper, we will

On the Relation of Entropy with Gravity – Young Scientists

On the Relation of Entropy with Gravity Introduction, We now know all of the four fundamental forces of nature, The most universal of which is clearly gravity, Fundamental Forces of Nature, All the forces of nature can be simplified down to four most fundamental of forces, which Entropic Force

Physics Frontiers: Entropic Gravity

Really enjoyed listening to this and I learned a lot about the nature of the entropic gravity claim, I wanted ask for your thoughts on a couple of recent news items I’ve seen that might relate to entropic gravity, First, there have been two reports of galaxies that seem to have no evidence of dark matter — i,e, the outer bits orbital velocities are consistent with the visible matter, If I

It From Bit – Entropic Gravity For Pedestrians

It From Bit – Entropic Gravity For Pedestrians, Two and a half months since Erik Verlinde submitted his entropic gravity paper, and all of physics and cosmology has turned into entropy, Well, I am exaggerating a bit, and perhaps more than just a bit, Yet, fact is that within two weeks of Erik’s publication a steady stream of ‘entropic

What is Erik Verlinde’s concept of entropic gravity?

Answer 1 of 3: The ‘Entropic gravity theory’ was given by a Dutch theoretical physicist Erik Peter Verlinde in 2009, This theory tells us how entropy can explain the mystery behind the working of gravity, Let’s assume you are on the surface of a neutron star, The extreme gravity will increase y

In 2010 Erik Verlinde produced a fascinating paper [1001,0785] On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton [ https://arxiv,org/abs/1001,0785 ]36The ‘Entropic gravity theory’ was given by a Dutch theoretical physicist Erik Peter Verlinde in 2009, This theory tells us how entropy can explain8This is interesting to stumble upon! I actually don’t have much insight on the issue, however Verlinde’s paper has been challenged by my PhD superv4Verlinde’s recent work has grown out of the idea that gravity is an emergent, entropic phenomena; meaning, basically, that gravity is the inevitabl314Verlinde’s entropic gravity apparently does an extremely good job of describing, in many instances, the phenomena which are currently attributed to51Entropic gravity is extremely exciting, at least to me, because in my view it takes most seriously the striking, thermodynamic properties of black39Extremely, in principle, Yet it builds on the work of a number of others and his own earlier work, The idea that spacetime is built of quantum enta30Validity will ultimately be determined by experimental tests, The first test since his publication of a theoretical framework for emergent gravity,21Entropy, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, is the tendency of heat energy to become evenly distributed over time in a closed, isolated system, A gravi1There is a theory which states that gravity is not a fundamental interaction like electromagnetism, the strong nuclear and weak nuclear force, Rath5

Sabine Hossenfelder: Backreaction: Gravity is Entropy is

Gravity as an Entropic force is an intriguing notion and one I will admit to having myself for a while, yet rather the other way around, where entropy is a consequence rather than the reason for gravity, That in the way I look at it between the minimizing compressive effect of gravity and the dispersive action of the cosmological constant it is for lack of a better way to put it the strategies

Talk:Entropic gravity

Summary Issues

[1611,02269] Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe

The emergent laws of gravity contain an additional `dark’ gravitational force describing the `elastic’ response due to the entropy displacement, We derive an estimate of the strength of this extra force in terms of the baryonic mass, Newton’s constant and the Hubble acceleration scale a_0 =cH_0, and provide evidence for the fact that this additional `dark gravity~force’ explains the observed

On the entropy variation in the scenario of entropic gravity

Gravity can have thermodynamic effects, while gravitational equations can be derived from thermodynamic assumptions, These theoretical developments lead Verlinde to propose a totally entropic origin of gravity where gravity is viewed as a kind of entropic force , , The idea of entropic gravity is simple but powerful,

Erik Verlinde: comments about the entropic force of gravity

However, the thought of gravity as an entropic force as presented by Erik Verlinde, is still appealing and therefore allow me one last creative tweak, The laws of thermodynamics are all derived under the caveat of a system that is not accelerated as a whole, However, we do empirically know, that an accelerated mass let’s see that as a closed thermodynamical system, does possess inertia, What

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