etymology of amateur


amateur n, 1784, “one who has a taste for some art, study, or pursuit, but does not practice it,” from French amateur “one who loves, lover” 16c,, restored from Old French ameour, from Latin amatorem nominative amator “lover, friend,” agent noun from amatus, past participle of amare “to love” see Amy,, Meaning “one who cultivates and participates in something but does not pursue it

AMATEUR : Etymologie de AMATEUR

1488 amateur de « celui qui aime qqn » Mer des hist,, I, 198 a, éd, 1491 ds Rom, Forsch, t, 32, p, 8 : Est ung roy requis d’avoir pitié et clémence, affin qu’il soit doulx amateur des indigents et souffreteux 1495 [éd, 1531] « id, » J, de Vignay, Mir, hist,, XXXI, 106, Delb, ds Quem, t, 1 1959 : Certes il estoit vray amateur des poures; très empl, au xvi e s, avec un compl




My understanding of it is that it always meant non professional, Amateur meant “lover”ish, and an amateur sportsperson was someone who did not get paid and did it for the love of the sport rather than for the money, I row, and within the history of rowing there used to be a huge divide between the two, with “gentleman rowers” who just did it

Top responsesMy understanding of it is that it always meant non professional, Amateur meant “lover”ish, and an amateur sportsperson was someone who did not get paid and … read more1 voteSimple semantic drift, According to etymonline,com: 1784, “one who has a taste for something,” from French amateur “lover of,” from … read more1 voteAfficher tout




amateur, a-ma-teur s, m, 1 Celui qui a un goût vif pour une chose, Un amateur de peinture, de musique, Ô le soin inutile, diront les fols amateurs du siècle, Bossuet, Fr, de P, II, 1, On est amateur de son repos : quiconque peut le troubler passe pour importun et fatigue par sa présence, Bourdaloue, Pensées, t, II, p, 252,

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Russian Word Origins: Professional and Amateur Etymology

Amateur etymology refers to the derivation of words using methods that are not based on the foundations of historical linguistics, but based instead on coincidences and personal, subjective interpretation which may be subconsciously influenced by nationalism, political/religious views, etc,


The word amateur is normally used to mean: somebody who does something e,g, a job without being paid for it, or without having had training or education for it,, The opposite of an amateur is a professional,He or she will expect to be paid a professional fee for the job,, The word “amateur” comes from a French word meaning: “lover of”, An amateur is someone who does something e,g

Etymology of ham radio

Etymology of ham radio, Jump to navigation Jump to search Ham radio is a popular term for An amateur station that Hyman supposedly shared with Bob Almy and Reggie Murray, which was said to be using the self-assigned call sign HAM short for Hyman-Almy-Murray, thus came to represent all of amateur radio, However, this story seems to have first surfaced in 1948, and practically none of the


Etymology‘s joke on us is that our very words that mean “grasp an idea of, mentally fit together parts of reality” — are themselves obscure or incomprehensible to us, Understand is so plainly odd that even people who don’t think about word histories notice it, In form it is a compound of under + stand v,, and it has been so since Old English, Likewise the sense has not shifted since King

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Amateur definition is – one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession, How to use amateur in a sentence, Should amateur only be used literally? Synonym Discussion of amateur,


‘Local amateur radio enthusiasts are to set up a station within the school, giving pupils the opportunity to contact other radio users across the world,’ ‘Paul Burgess and Randy Olson are train enthusiasts and amateur photographers,’ ‘This summer, a group of amateur film enthusiasts will embark on its most ambitious project to date,’ ‘Of the twenty volunteers some are

An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

The dictionary is intended for professional and amateur astronomers, university students in astrophysics, as well as terminologists and linguists, especially those interested in the etymology of Indo-European languages, Some of the particularities of this work are specified below, 2,1 Word filiation, The origin, history, and the way in which a term is composed provide the reader with an

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