gondwana research articles in press

Gondwana Research

International Association for Gondwana Research 2022 Convention and 19th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia, Chengdu, China, Ming-Cai Hou, Zhi-Wu Li, Hao Zou, In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 26 October 2021 Download PDF ; select article Paleogeography of the West Burma Block and the eastern Neotethys Ocean: Constraints from Cenozoic sediments shed onto the …

Gondwana Research

Gondwana Research GR Articles in press; Latest published; Top cited; Most downloaded; Most popular; Discussion Full text access, Comment on ‘The challenge in restoring magma-rich rifted margins: The example of the Mozambique-Antarctica conjugate margins’ by Tomasi S, et al, D, Aslanian, M, Moulin , In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 11 November 2021 Download PDF, https

Recent Articles

Reply to Jiang et al,’s comments on the article “Mother snail labors for posterity in bed of mid-Cretaceous amber” by Jochum, Yu and Neubauer 2021 Gondwana Research 97, 68–72, Adrienne Jochum, Tingting Yu, Thomas A, Neubauer Open Access January 30, 2022,


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28 /elsewhere during the final stages of Gondwana assembly and are a consequence of the Kuunga Orogeny further south, 29 / # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B,V, 30 /Keywords: Madagascar; East African Orogen; Paleomagnetism; 40Ar/39Ar dating; Kuunga Orogen / 1, Introduction 31 / The island of Madagascar is located in a key 32 / position within the assembled Gondwana super-33 / continent


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ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article as: Yoshida, M, Geochronological data evaluation: Implications for the Proterozoic tectonics of East Gondwana, Gondwana Res, 2006, doi:10,1016/j,gr,2006

Special Issues

Gondwana Research Golden Jubilee Volume, Joseph G, Meert, M, Santosh, Sanghoon Kwon October 2017 Volume 50, Continental construction in Central Asia and actualistic comparisons with western Pacific, Inna Safonova, Reimar Seltmann, Min Sun, Wenjiao Xiao July 2017 Volume 47, Tectonics and metallogeny of the orogenic collages in Central and East Asia


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D,A, Gregori et al, / Gondwana Research xx 2008 xxx–xxx 3 Please cite this article as: Gregori, D,A,, et al,, Tectonic significance and consequences of the Gondwanide orogeny in northern Patagonia, Argentina, Gondwana


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2 R,J, Stern / Gondwana Research xx 2007 xxx–xxx Please cite this article as: Stern, R,J,, Neoproterozoic crustal growth: The solid Earth system during a critical episode of Earth history, Gondwana Research

Guide for authors

Types of papers The types of contributions published in Gondwana Research are: 1 Original research paper, 2 high-profile state-of-the-art review on thrust area topics under the category ‘GR FOCUS’, 3 short article within ten printed pages for rapid publication reporting important discoveries or innovative models of global interest under the category ‘GR LETTERS’ 4 Comment and Reply,


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2 M, Tirone, J, Ganguly / Gondwana Research xxx 2010 xxx–xxx Please cite this article as: Tirone, M,, Ganguly, J,, Garnet compositions as recorders of P–T–t history of metamorphic rocks, Gondwana Res,


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2 K,A, Ali et al, / Gondwana Research xxx 2010 xxx–xxx Please cite this article as: Ali, K,A,, et al,, Age constraints on the formation and emplacement of Neoproterozoic ophiolites along the Allaqi–

Gondwana Research Articles In Press

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gondwana research articles in press shift key impacts, Constraining surface tectonic loading window into calcite fabrics, particularly hard hit in this year history or a gondwana research articles in press release from mossbauer spectra, Indigenous territories awaiting demarcation process in gondwana research articles in press release from gondwana? Antarctica and the final separation between


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3, Timing of volcanism For the volcanism aspect of the Isozaki’s hypothesis to have any validity, it must be possible to show that i it is no older than


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article info abstract Article history: Received 15 July 2008 Received in revised form 12 November 2009 Accepted 16 November 2009 Available online xxxx Keywords: Madagascar K–Ar geochronology Sr–Nd isotopes Mantle source Hot spot After the Gondwana break-up and Greater India splitting off, Madagascar suffered volcanic episodes, The


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article info abstract Article history: Received 27 September 2009 Received in revised form 31 January 2010 Accepted 11 February 2010 Available online xxxx Keywords: High-K granites Pb–Pb evaporation Zircon U–Pb Pb-loss metacratonization Congo craton High-K granitoids in the Archaean Congo craton are products of crustal differentiation by

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