hive sql length

Length function in Hive with examples

Syntax of Length Function in Hive


I want to know the maximum length a particular string column is taking, I tried taking the approached mentioned here : how to get the max size used by a field in table but did not work in Hive but that did not work in Hive,

Exemple de syntaxeselect maxlengthmycolumn from mytable;See more on stackoverflowCeci vous a-t-il été utile ?Merci ! Commentaires supplémentaires


Length; VARCHAR: 1 to 65355: CHAR: 255: Timestamp, It supports traditional UNIX timestamp with optional nanosecond precision, It supports java,sql,Timestamp format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,fffffffff” and format “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,ffffffffff”, Dates, DATE values are described in year/month/day format in the form {{YYYY-MM-DD}}, Decimals, The DECIMAL type in Hive is as same as Big Decimal

Hive String Functions and Examples

Hive substr string, int start, int end Function, This function returns the substring of A starting from start position with the given length i,e, end postion, Start and end postion are integer values, Apache Hive LEFT-RIGHT Functions Alternative and Examples, hive> select substr ‘This is hive demo’,9,4; OK hive,


Thanks for your answer, I want to add following remarks:Yes, there indeed exists STRING type and since I work with ODBC interface of Hive, and I can tell from ODBC view that STRING is mapped as SQL_VARCHAR by ODBC driver with the maximize size of 2147483647 kb 2GB as the link you suggested, –

The current documentation for Hive lists STRING as a valid datatype, distinct from VARCHAR and CHAR See official apache doc here: https://cwiki,apaMeilleure réponse, 14By default, the columns metadata for Hive does not specify a maximum data length for STRING columns,
The driver has the parameter DefaultStringCol0

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SQL LENGTH Dans le langage SQL la fonction LENGTH permet de calculer la longueur d’une chaîne de caractères, A noter : la fonction se base sur le nombre d’octets, Un caractère multi-octet compte comme un seul caractère, Autrement dit, un caractère …

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String Functions in Hive

LENGTH string str The LENGTH function returns the number of characters in a string, Example: LENGTHhive‘ returns 4 LOWER string str , LCASE string str The LOWER or LCASE function converts the string into lower case letters, Example: LOWER’HiVe‘ returns ‘hive‘ LPAD string str, int len, string pad


25 lignesHive supports the following built-in aggregate functions, The usage of these …

BIGINT round double a It returns the rounded BIGINT value of
BIGINT floor double a It returns the maximum BIGINT value that
BIGINT ceil double a It returns the minimum BIGINT value that
double rand , rand int seed It returns a random number that changes

Voir les 25 lignes sur www,tutorialspoint,com

SQL to Hive Cheat Sheet

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Run non-interactive script hive ‐f script,sql Hive Shell Function Hive Run script inside shell source file_name Run ls dfs commands dfs –ls /user Run ls bash command from shell !ls Set configuration variables set mapred,reduce,tasks=32 TAB auto completion set hive, Show all variables starting with hive set Revert all variables reset Add jar to distributed cache add jar jar_path

hive,函数,length_不花的花和尚的博客-CSDN博客_hive length

hive , 函数 ,size 数组字段获取array长度和 length 字段获取字符串长度, 不花的花和尚的博客, 07-30, 1万+, 获取字符串长度, length 字段 字符串转数组,col le ct_list 列转行可得到数据,或split 某个字段得到数组 获取数组长度,size 数组字段 参考sql, set edate

Hive Array Functions, Usage and Examples

Hive array_contains Array Function, The array_contains function works on the array type and return True if given value is present, otherwise returns False, Following is the syntax of array_contains Array Function: array_contains Array, value Where, T is an array and value is the value that you are searching in the given array,

Hive String Functions

Introduction to Hive String Function, The string is a sequence of characters, In hive, string functions are used to perform different operations like reversing sting, converting into upper and lower case, removing spaces, etc, Hive string functions look like SQL string functions,Let us look at those string functions in detail to understand the concept easily,

LanguageManual Types

Hive 0,11 and 0,12 have the precision of the DECIMAL type fixed and limited to 38 digits, As of Hive 0,13 users can specify scale and precision when creating tables with the DECIMAL datatype using a DECIMAL precision, scale syntax, If scale is not specified, it defaults to 0 no fractional digits,


In Oracle, LENGTH function returns the length of a string in characters as defined by the input character set, In SQL Server, you can use LEN function, but note that it excludes trailing blanks, When applied to a CHAR or NCHAR column, Oracle LENGTH returns the maximum length of the column defined in CREATE TABLE, while SQL Server LEN returns the actual data length,

LanguageManual UDF

Built-In Operators

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