iea digitalization and energy

IEA – International Energy Agency

Energy suppliers will reap greater productivity and improve safety, Digitalisation can improve safety, increase productivity and reduce costs in oil and gas, coal and power, The magnitude of these potential impacts – and associated barriers – varies greatly depending on the particular application,

Flagship Clean energy technologies need a major boost to keep net zero by 2050 within …

Digitalization and Energy – Analysis

In the IEA Central Scenario, final energy consumption for transport grows by almost half to 165 exajoules in 2060, with most of the demand coming from road freight vehicles 36% and passenger light-duty vehicles 28%, Across all transport modes, digital technologies are helping to improve energy efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, In aviation, the latest commercial aircraft are equipped

Energy efficiency and digitalisation – Analysis

The IEA has launched a cross-agency initiative to explore the potential impacts of digitalisation on energy efficiency and implications for policy makers, We are looking at how digital technologies enable greater control, optimisation and analytics, and how this in turn enables greater end-use and systems efficiency, especially when combined with the right policy frameworks and innovative

Digitalisation – Topics

The IEA is exploring the potential impacts of digitalisation on energy efficiency and implications for policy makers, We are looking at how digital technologies enable greater control, optimisation and analytics, and how this in turn enables greater end-use and systems efficiency, especially when combined with the right policy frameworks and innovative business models,

Digitalization and Energy

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The International Energy Agency IEA has been focused on the interplay between digitalization and energy for many years, We formulated smart grid roadmaps in 2011 and 2017, We have tracked the progress of electric vehicles and smart charging, and analysed renewables integration and energy use by connected devices, We are finding that digitalization is becoming increasingly important to a wide

Webinar: Digitalization & Energy

Presentation: Digitalization & Energy, Webinar — Paris, France, Time: 4PM CET / 10AM EST, Contact: digital@iea,org, Over the coming decades, digital technologies are set to make energy systems around the world more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable, Stunning advances in data, analytics and connectivity are enabling a

Digitalization and Energy


How digitalisation is modernising energy efficiency

The energy sector is no different, with digitalisation changing both the way energy is supplied and consumed, as the IEA reported in Digitalization and Energy, The growing impact of digital technologies on energy demand has been widely publicised: From estimates that streaming a film online consumes the same amount of energy as making 60 cups of tea, to others suggesting Bitcoin’s daily

IEA – International Energy Agency

Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 is a major new IEA publication focused on the technology needs and opportunities for reaching international climate and sustainable energy goals, This flagship report offers vital analysis and advice on the clean energy technologies the world needs to meet net-zero emissions objectives,

Digitalisation is changing the energy landscape

IEA Digitalisation and Energy 2017, The digitalisation of energy, The step-change that we see is two-fold: on the one-hand, computing power increasing and enabling greater levels of artificial intelligence AI and machine learning; and secondly, the amount of data available for those computers to analyse, These two combine to mean that better decisions are made and are also automated

Digital technologies, energy, and climate

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Digitalization & Energy 1, Introduction: A new era of digitalization in energy? 2, Energy demand: transport, buildings, and industries 3, Energy supply: oil and gas, coal, and power 4, System-wide impacts: from energy silos to digitally-interconnected systems 5, Energy use by digital technologies 6, Cross-cutting risks: cyber security, privacy

Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Related

To support and accelerate the deployment of digitalization practises in the energy-intensive process industries, Current Tasks/Subtasks, Task 1 starts in November 2018 and will be completed in November 2019, Task Manager: Paul Stuart, Polytechnique Montréal Canada Task 1: Structure and Benefits, The first step is the organization of a kick-off meeting, in which the final version of the Task

Digital is the future of urban energy

Bringing all these together will depend on top-to-bottom digitalization of urban energy systems and related services, The IEA report, ‘Empowering Cities for a Net Zero Future’, based on consultations with over 125 experts, advises pioneering cities on how to ensure a sustainable energy future based on digital technologies, Building smart grids, Flexible energy systems enable agile …

Digitalization & Energy

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Co-Lead, IEA Digitalization Working Group George Kamiya Energy Environment Division Thibaut Abergel Energy Technology Policy Division Jacob Teter Energy Technology Policy Division Kira West Energy Demand Outlook Division Christophe McGlade Energy Supply Outlook Division Carlos Fernández Alvarez Gas, Coal & Power Markets Division Brent Wanner Energy Demand Outlook …

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