important for or important to

Important for vs important to

Re: Important for vs important to, to refers direction, for refers cause / because reason this work is important to me, it can be important to me / you/ them – But it is important to me It is telling direction or giving indication in the direction of “me” This work is importat for the society, cause

[Grammar] Importance of verb tense – UsingEnglish,com 31/08/2009
importance of articles in english language 07/11/2008
Importance of the English Language – UsingEnglish,com 11/12/2006

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Prepositions after “important”: “important for” or

Important for buying decisions,, Important for a smaller sized clip,, That is not important for the moment,, To be able to climb securely is highly important for the often called ‘ bearcat ‘,, While foreign aid is an important form of easy money bribe, it is but one of many,, Most important for the Church was the liturgical work that marked these centuries,, It’s extremely important for the


Important to signifies a connection to the specified subject in this case me, Important for denotes importance for a certain cause, It’s important to me! refers to something you value or hold in great esteem, It’s important for me! refers to a cause, e,g, It’s important for my health/success etc,

important to or important for?

So, this is important for imitation and emulation, In a democracy, it’s important for the press to be independent, It is important for the EU to get to grips with the Americas project, Such gender; based statistics are very important for our future work, Implementing powers are very important for the eighth company law directive,

word usage

Important for’ me – in my opinion, this is essential, Getting this job is very important for me, I’m in great financial crises, On the other hand, ‘Important to’ is to show the direction toward – I’m the receiver, it’ll affect me, My kid’s education is very important to me, …

The simple explanation is that ” important to ” is something you value, while ” important for ” is something you need, or that will help you in som33The word for is used to address the object, target or use of an action/activity, It’s also used for rightness, ‘Important for ‘ me – in my opin4In most cases the to part would work for the for one but not the other way around, In your example, they probably means the same thing, But if2

word usage – How to correctly use “important to” and
prepositions – For me/to me, which is correct or better in

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Important To/For

Important To/For 1b To be able to read is important, 2a It’s important for them to be able to read,

Important For Me, Important To Me,

Important for me and Important to me, I have the same problem with Good for me and Good to me, for implies the fulfillment of a need; to is simply an indication of directionality, Sometimes people who are good to us are not necessarily good for us, That is, sometimes when people give us whatever we want and extend to us every kindness possible, they are not doing us any good because …


Important definition is – having serious meaning or worth, See more meanings of important, How to use important in a sentence, importantly vs, important

【日本語訳が一緒なのに意味が違う!?】important to/forの使い …

important toとimportant forは、日本語に訳せばどちらも「~にとって大事だ」という意味になります。しかし、実はニュアンスがかなり違うことはご存知でしょうか?後ろの前置詞を間違えてしまうと、折角の愛の告白も台無しに…!?

Importance vs, Important – What’s the difference?

Importance vs, Important, Published: 24 Sep, 2019, Views: 3,459, Importance noun, The quality or condition of being important or worthy of note, Important adjective, Having relevant and crucial value, ‘It is very important to give your daughter independence in her life so she learns from experience,’; Importance noun, significance or prominence, Important adjective, Full of, or burdened by

What is the difference between “important for” and

Answer 1 of 2: I have personally observed the following three aspects in answering this question, 01, For a common man there is no much difference between these two phrases, Ex: It is important for aged to remain inside the houses during the period of quarantine, OR It is important in rema


important meaning: 1, necessary or of great value: 2, having great effect or influence: 3, necessary or of great…, Learn more,

how important it is to

how importance it is to, how cheap it is to, how difficult it is to, how good it is to, how nice it is to, how fluid it is to, how precious it is to, how hard it is to , exact 8 “I know how important it is to them”, 1 The New York Times And how important it is to stay away, 2 The Guardian – Books I know how important it is to the community, 3 The New York Times “They know how important is

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