iso 20001 certification

Certification ISO IEC 20000-1

La certification ISO/IEC 20000-1 est l’unique référentiel international, aligné avec ITIL v3, permettant d’obtenir une reconnaissance de votre système de management des services informatiques, C’est un projet motivant pour les équipes et valorisable facilement auprès de vos clients, Demander un devis Les avantages de cette certification, Pour vos équipes : gagner en efficacité et


ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 is a service management system SMS standard, It specifies requirements for the service provider to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS, The requirements include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfil agreed service requirements,

ISO 20001 Certification – USQC

ISO 20001 Certification, ISO 20001, Information Technology Service Management, Standard Overview, IT service is usually provided by an internal department known as the IT organization, The IT infrastructure includes hardware, software, procedures, computer-related communications, documentation, and skills required to support IT services, Overall, IT services and management of the …

ISO 20000-1 Certification

Certification; ISO 9001:2015 Quality The International Standard for Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001:2015 Environment The International Standard for Environmental Management Systems, ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety One of the International Standards for Occupational Health and Safety, CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification A unified standard for implementing cybersecurity


L’ISO/CEI 20000-1:2011 est une norme de système de management des services SMS, Elle spécifie les exigences destinées au fournisseur de services pour planifier, établir, implémenter, exécuter, surveiller, passer en revue, maintenir et améliorer un SMS, Les exigences incluent la conception, la transition, la fourniture et l’amélioration des services afin de satisfaire aux exigences de

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