jq select not null


I think it should be something like cat myexample , jq ‘, , select, == “”‘, but is not working, json null jq key-value jsonlines, Share, Improve this question, Follow edited May 3 at 8:59, peak , 80,3k 14 14 gold badges 109 109 silver badges 135 135 bronze badges, asked Jun 20 ’19 at 18:37, Fernando César Fernando César, 461 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges, 1, Please


I have a json file with a load of AWS CloudWatch logs generated from a CLI command, I’m trying to use jq to only return values for entries that don’t have a ‘retentionInDays’ field, I have the

Return empty string instead of “null” with “jq –raw

Your posting also suggests you may not know about the utility of jq builtins such as select/1, which often make it unnecessary to use the ‘//empty’ idiom, For example, if you have a stream of strings and you want to filter out the empty string completely, you could write ‘selectlength>0′, Since the length of null is also 0, the same filter

jQuery: checking if the value of a field is null empty

The value of a field can not be null, it’s always a string value, The code will check if the string value is the string “NULL”, You want to check if it’s an empty string instead:

Remove null values and keys from JSON, Issue #104

@pke Ah, I’m not sure what the ,==”” part of your program is meant to match, but what you want is something like this: del,[] , select,DMC==0,Here the input to select will be an object where you’d find ,DMC and so on — it’s what you want deleted, so you’ll want to have that as the input to select and that as the output of the whole expression passed to del,

JQ Select Explained: Selecting elements from JSON with

jq lets you select elements by starting with a , and accessing keys and arrays like it’s a JavaScript Object which is it is, This feature uses the Object and Array index jq creates of a JSON document and look like this: jq ‘,key [0],subkey [2:3],subsubkey’,

:not Selector

All selectors are accepted inside :not, for example: :notdiv a and :notdiv,a, Additional Notes, The ,not method will end up providing you with more readable selections than pushing complex selectors or variables into a :not selector filter, In most cases, it is a better choice, Example: Finds all inputs that are not checked and highlights the next sibling span, Notice there is no

jq Cheet Sheet, GitHub

jq ‘,forwards[] , select,status == “settled”‘ to get all the objects within an array, containing the following key:value pair: status == “settled” Now, I need to get all the values from the field “key4” from the previous output, like 1 per line or so, Example: If the previous command I used, return 150 objects, I want to return the value from the key “key4” from the 150 objects found with

jq Manual development version

jq Manual development version For released versions, see jq 1,6, jq 1,5, jq 1,4 or jq 1,3,, A jq program is a “filter”: it takes an input, and produces an output, There are a lot of builtin filters for extracting a particular field of an object, or converting a number to a string, or various other standard tasks,

jq 1,4 Manual

jq 1,4 Manual, The manual for the development version of jq can be found here, A jq program is a “filter”: it takes an input, and produces an output, There are a lot of builtin filters for extracting a particular field of an object, or converting a number to a string, or various other standard tasks,


jqコマンドで値の有無 nullを判別させる, 最近、仕事でAWSやAzureを利用するようになってから、JSON形式のファイルに触れる事が多くなってきた。, JSON形式のファイルをイジる場合、MacやLinux環境だとjqコマンドというものを用いると楽に整形出来るので良く


SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE nom_colonne IS NULL, A l’inverse, pour filtrer les résultats et obtenir uniquement les enregistrements qui ne sont pas null, il convient d’utiliser la syntaxe suivante: SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE nom_colonne IS NOT NULL, A savoir : l’opérateur IS retourne en réalité un booléen, c’est à dire une valeur TRUE si la condition est vrai ou FALSE si la

Attribute Not Equal Selector [name!=”value”]

Description: Select elements that either don’t have the specified attribute, or do have the specified attribute but not with a certain value, version added: 1,0 jQuery “[attribute!=’value’]” attribute: An attribute name, value: An attribute value,Can be either a valid identifier or a quoted string,

jq: Command-line JSON processor

jq can transform JSON in various ways, by selecting, iterating, reducing and otherwise mangling JSON documents, For instance, running the command jq ‘map ,price , add’ will take an array of JSON objects as input and return the sum of their “price” fields, jq can accept text input as well, but by default, jq reads a stream of JSON entities

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