k meson mass



Table of mesons

20 lignesMesons are intermediate mass particles which are made up of a quark-antiquark …

Pion &#960 &#960 ud
Pion &#960 Self
Kaon K K us
Kaon Ks Ks 1*

Voir les 20 lignes sur hyperphysics,phy-astr,gsu,edu


Basic Properties

K meson

In quantum mechanics: Decay of the kaon, The kaon also called the K 0 meson, discovered in 1947, is produced in high-energy collisions between nuclei and other particles, It has zero electric charge, and its mass is about one-half the mass of the proton, It is unstable and, once formed, rapidly decays…


Mesons are the interaction agents between nucleons protons and electrons, The rest mass of the mesons lies between 250-100mₑ , The most common type of mesons are the pions pi mesons, kaons K mesons and the eta meson η-meson,These are also the only types of meson that are long-lived enough to be seen directly by their tracks in a

1, What Is a Meson Particle?Ans: Meson is a fundamental particle categorised under the hadrons, Mesons are the hadronic particles made up of a quark and an antiquark, specific2, Give Some Examples of Meson Particles?Ans: The most common examples of the meson particles are the pions pi mesons, kaons K mesons and the eta meson η-meson, These are also the on3, Is an Electron Considered to be a Meson?Ans: No, Electron is not a meson, it is a baryon and more specifically electrons are fermions,



Kaons and other strange mesons

1* The neutral Kaons K 0 s and K 0 L represent symmetric and antisymmetric mixtures of the quark combinations down-antistrange and antidown-strange,, The charged kaons are mesons which have a quark composition of up-antistrange for the positive kaon and antiup-strange for the negative kaon, They decay in about 10-8 seconds by the processes:, kaons and Decay times in this range indicate decay

Discrete Character of Meson Masses

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The quantisation of the squared mass of the light mesons is illustrated in Figure 1b, which is the counterpart of Figure 2b, The squared masses of the 44 mesons containing only u, d, or s quarks are clearly seen from the figure to be uniformly spaced at intervals of about 0,3 GeV2, so that m2 q = 0,3q +0,084 3 where q is an integer and m q the mass of any light meson, Eq, 3 is the light

Particle Data Group

K,A, Olive et al, Particle Data Group, Chin, Phys, C, 38, 090001 2014 and 2015 update, Cut-off date for this update was January 15, 2015, Mesons Summary Tables


meson has a mass of 135,0 MeV/c 2 and a mean lifetime of 8,5 × 10 −17 s, It decays via the electromagnetic force, which explains why its mean lifetime is much smaller than that of the charged pion which can only decay via the weak force, Anomaly-induced neutral pion decay, The dominant π 0 decay mode, with a branching ratio of BR 2γ = 0,98823 , is into two photons: π 0 → 2 γ, The

K-meson vector and tensor decay constants and -parameter

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240 gauge field configurations for the K-meson mass and decay constants and 200 configurations for B K, The sea quark mass is set at five values am = 0,0040, 0,0064, 0,0085, 0,0100, 0,0150, corresponding to pseudoscalar meson masses in the range 300MeV<m PS <550MeV, The valence

LightQuarksu d s

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obtained separately by using the K meson mass splittings and lattice results for the electromagnetic contributions, 5AOKI 12 is a lattice computation using 1 + 1 + 1 dynamical quark flavors, 6BLUM 10 determines light quark masses using a QCD plus QED lattice computation of the electromagnetic mass splittings of the low-lying hadrons, The

Particle Data Group

P,A, Zyla et al, Particle Data Group, Prog,Theor, Exp, Phys, 2020, 083C01 2020 and 2021 update,

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