lava brave frontier


For other uses, see Lava disambiguation, Stats HP ATK DEF REC Base 2,000 700 680 500 Lord 3,100 938 898 850 Anima


devenir plus forte, Escrimeuse d’élite, fruit d’un projet confidentiel dans l’empire dévasté d’Agni, Dès sa naissance, elle se plia à un entraînement intense conçu pour faire d’elle la guerrière ultime, À 14 ans, elle était déjà la meilleure de son ordre, Hélas, cette éducation lui causa des troubles mentaux,

Ignis Vestae Lava

Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier, Miscellaneous Info, Normal 13-Hit Combo: 52 4 /hit Hit Count Drop Check Damage Modifier Cost; BB: 17 AOE 17 1 360%: 27 BC SBB: 20 AOE 20 1 560%: 22 BC 49 total UBB: 26 AOE 26 1 1500% 25 BC: Skills, Leader Skill: Supreme Flame’s Rage, 100% boost to Atk and 30% boost to max HP for …

Déesse Lava

Unités , Types , Leveling , Évolutions , Stats , Compteur de coups 1-100 , 101-200 Déesse Lava , 201-300 , 301-400 , 401-500 , 501-600 , 601-700 , 701-800 , 801

Lava Phoenix

Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier, Miscellaneous Info, Normal 4-Hit Combo: 8 2 /hit Hit Count Drop Check Damage Modifier Cost; BB — — —% 15 BC: Skills, Leader Skill: Loving Spirit, Boost in effectiveness of Heart Crystals Effect Values Passive Effect Potency HC Efficacy: 25% boost to HC Efficacy Brave Burst: Ignited Feather [Heal

Fire Knight Lava

I can and will exceed! An elite swordswoman from a top-secret project in the ruined Agni Empire, As a result of her special training, she hates contact with other people, However, the joy she felt from defeating Vargas, a promising new star in the order, spurred her …

Fire God Lava

my foe takes! An elite swordswoman from a top-secret project in the ruined Agni Empire, Through many duels her strength is said to have reached that of a fire god, She used her strength well during the war with the gods and received massive support from those who …

Phoenix Wings Lava

Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier, Miscellaneous Info, Normal 10-Hit Combo: 30 3 /hit Hit Count Drop Check Damage Modifier Cost; BB: 15 AOE 15 1 260%: 25 BC SBB: 18 AOE 18 1 500%: 20 BC 45 total UBB: 22 AOE 22 1 1000% 20 BC: Skills, Leader Skill: Black Flame’s Power, 100% boost to Atk power of Fire types & hugely …

Sacred Flame Lava

Gravely injured in the battle with the gods, the emperor of the Agni Empire bestowed her with wings, As she tried to rest, having finished her duties, a new fire began to burn inside her, It was a feeling that was new to her, In an instant, the growing flames …

How to get lava

Brave Frontier; How to get lava; User Info: Stardust_Hero82, Stardust_Hero82 7 years ago #1, What is the easiest way to get lava, Should I farm her boss? I’ve tried rare summons but I only have Gotten Sky king falma Sky night Falma Princess lidith High elf Commander Weiss Note: I have not put any actual money into this game Also how do I find a fire idol I’ve captured every other one, So i

Ailes de phénix Lava

Histoire, Épéiste d’élite de l’empire d’Agni, Après avoir reçu ses nouvelles ailes, elle se mit en quête du héros du feu, qu’elle trouva aux prises avec une jeune fille,Voyant qu’il n’avait pas le cœur au combat, Lava tenta de s’interposer lorsqu’un disciple de la destruction fit son apparition, la poussant à libérer tout son pouvoir pour affronter ce nouvel adversaire, À l’issue du


Lava, Max Lv, An elite swordswoman from a top-secret project in the ruined Agni Empire, She was given harsh training from birth to make her the ultimate warrior, She was ranked highest in her order by age 14, Alas, as she was raised this way, she developed personality issues,

Brave Frontier Lava Pool

Brave Frontier by gumi Inc, https://appsto,re/us/juUzP,i

Lava sacré

Histoire, Escrimeuse d’élite, fruit d’un projet confidentiel dans l’empire dévasté d’Agni, Grièvement blessée en combattant les dieux, elle reçut des ailes de la part de l’empereur, Alors qu’elle se reposait, un feu se mit à brûler en elle, Son énergie revint et la poussa à se battre à nouveau, No,


1-100 , 100-200 Lava , 200-300 , 300-400 , 400-500 , 500-600 , 600-700 , 700-800 , 800-900 , 900-1000 , 1000-1100 , 1100-1200 , 1200-1300 , 1300-1400 , 1400-1500 , 7000-7100 , 7100-7200 , 8000-8100 , 8100-8200 , Lava, Unit No, 153 Data ID 10122 Element Fire: Gender Female: Rarity 3 : Max Lv, 40: Cost 5: Arena Type 2: Hit Count/BB Fill, Normal 3: BB: 4 : 25: Drop Check/Modifier, Normal n/a 0

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