mono blue tron modern

MTG Modern Mono Blue Tron

We have collected the top Mono Blue Tron Modern decks from the latest tournaments, Mono Blue Tron is also known as Mono Blue Tron, Blue Tron or MonoBlue Tron, Its current price is around 654$, Modern Mono Blue Tron decklists Search, Rank Name Type Event Event Level Players Singularity Date Price* Top8: MonoBlue Tron By Alex I : BO3 Magic Online Society – Community …

Mono-Blue Tron Deck for Magic: the Gathering

Mono-Blue Tron by astral_dragon, Mono-Blue Tron, by astral_dragon, Format: Modern, Event: Modern League 2021-11-05, 5-0, Deck Source: magic,wizards,com, Deck Date: Nov 5, 2021, Deck Page Visual View Stream Popout, Edit Download Dropdown Toggle,

Mono Blue Tron Modern MTG Deck

Artifact 1 This is not a deck for those who don’t love playing control, Emphasis on the word love, You need to be a control fanatic to appreciate and enjoy the precise construction of this deck, As such, this deck is not for everyone, Even with its relatively low cost, I always recommend players interested in Tron proxy a deck first, and

Modern Mono-Blue Tron on a Budget

Mono-Blue Tron can successfully cast this for its overload cost due to the amounts of mana we can generate, Next, Similar to Soul Sisters and Martyr Proc, Mono-Blue Tron has been a feature of the Modern landscape since Extended and remains a unique take on the archetype, Another benefit to starting off with Mono-Blue Tron is that you can branch off into Mono-Green or Eldrazi Tron down the

Deck Highlight: Modern Blue Tron

Tags: highlight mtg, lsv, Luis Scott-Vargas, Modern, Modern mtg, MonoBlue, Tron, Post navigation ← Previous Post, Next Post → About The Author, Luis Scott-Vargas, Luis is one of the most accomplished players in Magic: the Gathering history, His resume includes ten PT top 8s with a win at Berlin in 2008, fifteen GP Top 8s with five wins, and a Hall of Fame induction in 2013, He can often

Mono-Blue Tron Deserves Fresh Attention In Modern – Star

MonoBlue Tron Deserves Fresh Attention In Modern, Out with the Forests, in with the Islands! Ari Lax sees untapped potential in MonoBlue Tron, and he’s here to share the good, the bad, and the adorably uncertain in two public lists and his own build! By Ari Lax, August 26, 2019,

Modern Control: Blue Tron

Modern Control: Blue Tron, Modern is a format of blistering speed and efficiency, with many different angles of attack, This makes it particularly hostile to answer-heavy control decks, where drawing the wrong interaction for a given matchup is often an immediate loss, The recent surge in blue/white “Planeswalker” control notwithstanding, Modern control decks have generally had to adopt

Mono U Tron Detailed explanation Modern MTG Deck

Mono U Tron for Modern, Great control with some nicest finishers in all of the magic, Not the most competitive deck because it’s not super consistant like tier 1 decks, but can easily beat all of the decks in modern, I would say this is good tier 2 deck and has possibility to win big tournament someday, Fun deck to play, and it’s always underestimated, This deck is hard to play since it’s

[Primer] Mono U Tron

I’ve spent the last few months compiling my four-ish years of experience playing Mono U Tron in Modern into a complete Primer for the deck, with the aim of bringing more people into the light of mono-best Tron, The deck has a relative shortage of material around it given how many people are picking it up, and I created this with the aim of giving both new and experienced players a consolidated

[Primer] MonoU Tron

The general consensus is that Karn is really awesome on Gr Tron, a deck 100% focused on assembling the Tron lands ASAP, letting you cast Karn quickly turn 3 or 4, while not being as good in a deck that generally plays draw-go for a while and takes way more time to assemble the Tron, Landing a Karn on turn 8 is indeed unimpressive in a format like Modern and by the time you can do it, you’re

Mono-Red Prowess 11/11/2019
Mono-Red Control 20/05/2018
Mono White’s Strengths 07/07/2012
Mono Red Proliferate 30/05/2011

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Mono Blue Tron, Mono Best Tron

Mono Blue Tron is a confused love child of a combo deck and a control deck, Unlike it’s inbred cousin, Gx Tron, U Tron does NOT aim to assemble tron as fast as possible, Instead, the deck aims to cycle and stall the game until it is able to assemble tron, usually turns 4-7, Once tron is assembled, the deck has a versatile package of win conditions which will be explained later in this write-up,

Mono-Blue Archives

Legacy MonoBlue Prison gives you the satisfaction of Black Lotus and Timetwister while also nuking the opponent’s hand! LSV takes a look, Deck Highlight: Modern Blue Tron, By Luis Scott-Vargas / February 2, 2021 February 2, 2021, Tron is a Modern staple, combining powerful colorless cards with big mana, but paired with blue, it gains access to Remand and more! Deck Highlight: …

Modern Mono Blue Tron

Playing mono blue tron in modern

Mono Blue Tron In Modern

Mono Blue Tron In Modern, Hello, if you haven’t seen it by now, my name is Markus Thibeau, I’m from Victoria B,C, Canada, but now living in Coquitlam B,C for school, I’ve been playing Magic the Gathering since Odyssey came out and I’ve been playing Competitive Magic for about 8 years now, I’ve topped a few ptqs, Top 4d the last Seattle Starcity Games Open standard but my claim to …

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