monteggia’s fracture protocol

Rehabilitation Protocol Monteggia Fracture

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Rehabilitation Protocol Monteggia Fracture – Dislocation Phase I: Early ROM & Protect Repair 0 to 6 weeks • Splint and postop dressing remains in place for the first week, • Sutures will be removed by surgeon in 10-14 days, • Night splint 60 degrees flexion is to be worn at during day and night after the initial dressing removed • Initiate elbow exercise program 5 times per day

Monteggia Fracture Dislocation ORIF

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Monteggia Fracture Dislocation– ORIF Three times per day home exercise program: Goal: Avoid fracture displacement but obtain max ROM by 3 months post-operatively Phase 1: Week 0-6 • Sling as needed for comfort • Edema control: o Compressive stocking o Elevate above heart on pillows while supine • TID finger, wrist ROM

Galeazzi and Monteggia Fractures

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Galeazzi Fractures • Post-operative protocol: • Immobilization in near- full supination in sugartong postop • Early conversion to Munster brace in 45-60 degrees supination • At 2 weeks, ROM from full supination to neutral • At 4 weeks, unrestricted ROM, Monteggia Fractures • Described by Giovanni Battista Monteggia • Ulnar shaft fracture • Radial head dislocation, Monteggia

Clinical Practice Guidelines : Monteggia fracture


Monteggia fracture PT management : Physiosunit

Monteggia fracture type: bado classification, Later in 1958, Jose Luis Bado, a professor of orthopedic surgery from Uruguay, classified Monteggia lesion into four distinct categories which is popularly known as Bado classification 1, According to the direction of displacement, Monteggia fracture can be classified into four types,

Monteggia Fractures

Monteggia Fractures, A Monteggia fracture is defined as a proximal 1/3 ulna fracture with an associated radial head dislocation, Diagnosis is made with forearm and elbow radiographs to check for congruency of the radiocapitellar joint in the setting of an ulna fracture,

Monteggia Fracture-Dislocations

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MONTEGGIA FRACTURE-DISLOCATIONS 167, documented radial head fractures in 10 patients, In their series of adult patients with Monteggia fractures, Korner and colleagues [7] observed as-sociated radial head fractures in 16 patients, with 13 of these being seen in Bado type II fractures, The same authors also reported eight patients with coronoid fractures, all of which were seen in Bado type II

Standard of Care: Distal Upper Extremity Fractures Case

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Ulna fractures • Proximal ulna: Monteggia fracture of the proximal ulna with anterior dislocation of the radial head, • Midshaft: if concomitant with a radial fracture, may be called a “both bones” fracture, • Distal: may be concomitant with distal radius fracture Carpal fractures Scaphoid The scaphoid is the most common carpal fractured, Young men are at great risk due to higher

Forearm Fractures

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Monteggia Fractures • Postoperative treatment depends on rigidity of ulnar fixation and stability of the radial head – Casting with more than 90 degrees of elbow flexion is rarely needed to maintain the radial head reduction 6 weeks Literature • Calkins MS, Burkhalter W, Reyes F, Traumatic segmental bone defects in the upper extremity, Treatment with exposed grafts of corticocancellous

Occupational Therapy Perspective on Rehabilitation for

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Monteggia fracture, Galeazzi fracture, Distal radius fracture • Distal radius fracture occur as a result of a fall on the outstretched hand Laseter, 2002 • Cast for ~ 5 weeks • Start controlled active mobilization – Colles’ fracture with dorsal displacement of fracture fragment – Allow free wrist flexion with zero extension, Short arm brace with dorsal block, Controlled active

Radial head stabilization Monteggia fracture-dislocation

In Monteggia fracture-dislocations, anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the ulna are mandatory, to ensure stable relocation of the radial head, Once operative fixation of the ulna has been completed, the surgeon must ensure the stability of the reduced radial head, preferably under image intensification, 2, Order of reduction and fixation, Anatomic reduction and fixation of the ulna is

Monteggia Fracture Treatment & Management: Approach

The eponym Monteggia fracture is most precisely used to refer to a dislocation of the proximal radioulnar joint in association with a forearm fracture, These injuries are relatively uncommon, accounting for fewer than 5% of all forearm fractures,


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RADIAL HEAD FRACTURE REHAB PROTOCOL Introduction This protocol is recommended for Mason’s type I fracture or type II or III with ORIF, Goal: Regain full pain-free ROM of elbow and prevent shoulder and wrist stiffness, Phase 0 to 14 days Begin elbow active ROM and active-assisted ROM for flexion and extension,

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