mothman sightings 2020

Second Pilot Reports Sighting of “Mothman” at Chicago’s O

This report was submitted in response to a May 31st, 2020 sighting in which a pilot at O’Hare said that he and his copilot saw “a large, This is the latest news in …

Latest Mothman Sighting As Winged Creature Spotted at

A new 2020 Mothman sighting has been recorded by The Singular Fortean Society, The society which is a paranormal news publication reported that a 15-year United States …

Today is the 55th Anniversary of the Mothman Sighting

The Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in Point Pleasant Virginia reported as a “man-sized Bird,” The history is written in a West Virginia newspaper that recounts the first sighting: “On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point Pleasant—Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallette—told police they saw a large grey creature whose eyes “glowed red

Mothman / Dark Humanoid Recently Encountered Along Ohio

Mothman / Dark Humanoid Recently Encountered Along Ohio River Near Chesapeake, OH, A woman is driving with friends along the Ohio River near Chesapeake, OH when she observes a tall dark shrouded humanoid, She later encounters the same being when driving by the same area not long later, The following account was recently posted by a Facebook user,

The Legend Of The Mothman – Mystery Archives

Following the Mothman sightings, the bridge collapse was the second terrible and bizarre thing to put Point Pleasant on the map in a year’s time, So it didn’t take long for some to connect the two, In 1975, author John Keel conflated the Mothman sightings and the bridge disaster while creating his book The Mothman Prophecies, He also

“Chicago Aviation Department Employee” Reports “Mothman

This report constitutes the latest news in a string of ‘Mothmansightings from within a few hundred mile radius surrounding Lake Michigan, including every state bordering the great lake, These sightings ostensibly began in the spring of 2017, but more historical accounts are being reported as more people become aware of the phenomenon, They generally take place in the evening or at night

The Mothman Legacy 2020

The Mothman Legacy: Directed by Seth Breedlove, With Lyle Blackburn, A documentary about the Mothman phenomenon, A direct sequel to The Mothman of Point Pleasant 2017,

Top 10 Mothman Sightings with Pictures Proved It is Real

Mothman or the flying man was first sighted in 1966 when five men were digging a grave in the cemetery of Clendenin, West Virginia and saw that a figure that resembled a man was flying over their head, During 1970 Gray Baker popularized Mothman among others, it is a large man shaped creature that has wings and glowing red eyes, Here are some sightings of Mothman after it had been sighted …

Witness tells of seeing humanoid entities at O’Hare and at

September 30, 2020 by scorpionking601 **This report was sent in to the UFO Clearinghouse email late last week, The witness is an employee at O’Hare International Airport and works for one of the large cargo companies that fly in and out of the airport, In his report he tells of multiple sightings of UFO’s, and humanoid entities, including a winged humanoid both at work and at home, …

The Mothman Timeline

Sightings are bullet pointed, events are in brackets and Mothman sightings are in bold, Contents, 1 <1966 Hindsight: 1,1 1800's / The 19th Century: 1,2 1900's / The 20th Century Begins: 1,3 1952 Flatwoods Monster Reports Begin In WV: 2 1966 – 1967 Mothman Reports, Point Pleasant WV: 2,1 January 1st – October 31st 1966: 2,2 November 1st – 11th 1966: 2,3 November 12th – 14th 1966: 2,4 November

Mothman Sightings Leave Residents on Edge

From the first sighting of the mysterious Mothman to its foreshadowing of grim events, we look at Mothman sightings that are leaving residents on edge, #Moth

‘O’Hare Mothman’

The witness told of having his own brief sighting of the winged humanoid and had heard multiple stories from other coworkers and other O’Hare employees about the sightings of the “O’Hare Mothman,” The witness said that after his own brief encounter he began to keep his cell phone handy just in case he had another sighting and could try to take a picture of the entity,


Folklorist Jan Harold Brunvand notes that Mothman has been widely covered in the popular press, some claiming sightings connected with UFOs, and others claiming that a military storage site was Mothman‘s “home”, Brunvand notes that recountings of the 1966–67 Mothman reports usually state that at least 100 people saw Mothman with many more “afraid to report their sightings” but observed that

The Blackbird of Chernobyl: Russia’s Mothman – Down the

Great article, as always! What I find interesting is the recent surge in people seeing the Mothman, If it is a bad omen or some type of warning that means this year has a lot more in store for us, In the midwest they’ve been seeing this thing nonstop! …

The Case Of The Chicago Mothman : NPR

Subject profile: In the late 1960s, people around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, began reporting sightings of a creature that would later be dubbed “Mothman,”It would reportedly emerge, fly as

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