openvx api

OpenVX Overview – The Khronos Group Inc

Now that the OpenVX API has grown to an extensive set of functions, there is interest in creating implementations that target a set of features rather than covering the entire OpenVX API, In order to offer this option while still managing the API to prevent excessive fragmentation regarding which implementations offer which features, the OpenVX 1,3 specification defines a collection of feature


All the extensions complete or otherwise in the tree were converted to asciidoc markup and can be built, The source for the API specification is in ‘OpenVX_Specification,txt’ while each extension is in ‘vx_extension_name,txt’, Build an extension by passing SPECBASE=vx_extension_name to make, e,g, make SPECBASE=vx_khr_nn html,

Khronos OpenVX Registry

OpenVX API Specification, Headers, and Documentation, The current version of OpenVX: OpenVX 1,3, OpenVX 1,3 specification HTML, PDF updated September 10, 2020, OpenVX 1,3 Feature Sets HTML, PDF updated July 15, 2021, OpenVX

3,13, OpenVX — Processor SDK Linux Documentation

OpenVX API: OpenVX API as defined by Khronos: TIOVX API: TI extensions and additional APIs in order to efficiently use OpenVX on TI platforms: TIOVX Framework: TI’s implementation of OpenVX spec, This layer is agnostic of underlying SoC, OS platform: TIOVX Platform: This layer binds TIOVX framework to a specific platform, Ex, Processor Linux SDK for AM57xx SOCs, This layer also binds …

OpenVX API for Raspberry Pi

OpenVX for computer vision, OpenVX™ is an open, royalty-free API standard for cross-platform acceleration of computer vision applications developed by The Khronos Group, The Khronos Group is an open industry consortium of more than 150 leading hardware and software companies creating advanced, royalty-free acceleration standards for 3D graphics, augmented and virtual reality, …

OpenVX* Programming Framework

OpenVX* defines a C Application Programming Interface API that is used for building, verifying, and coordinating graph execution, as well as for accessing memory objects, The graph abstraction enables OpenVX implementation to optimize the execution for the underlying acceleration architecture, The graph defines an explicit data-flow, using,

OpenVX Vision Image Extension API Introduction

OpenVX Vision Image Extension API Introduction – Basic API, EVIS Enhanced Vision Instruction Set is an API level program language, which is applicable on GC7000XSVX i,MX8QM and VIP8000NanoSi i,MX8MP, The instructions take advantage of the enhanced vision capabilities in the vision-capble hardware, with low-latency,

TIOVX User Guide: Overview

22 lignesOpenVX API : OpenVX API as defined by Khronos : TIOVX API : TI extensions and …

concerto Makefile build infrastructure
conformance_tests/kernels Kernels added only for test purposes to
conformance_tests/test_conformance Khronos OpenVX conformance test
conformance_tests/test_engine Khronos OpenVX conformance test

Voir les 22 lignes sur software-dl,ti,com

OpenVX Programming Guide

OpenVX is the computer vision API adopted by many high-performance processor vendors, It is quickly becoming the preferred way to write fast and power-efficient code on embedded systems, OpenVX Programming Guidebook presents definitive information on OpenVX 1,2 and 1,3, the Neural Network, and other extensions as well as the OpenVX Safety Critical standard, This book gives a high-level


OpenVX Samples, Khronos OpenVX™ is an open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform acceleration of computer vision applications, OpenVX enables performance and power-optimized computer vision processing, especially important in embedded and real-time use cases such as face, body, and gesture tracking, smart video surveillance, advanced driver assistance systems ADAS, object and scene

API interface de programmation : définition, technos

Qu’est-ce qu’une API en Informatique ?


Les API et le Dites-le-nous-une-fois, Le principe du Dites-le-nous une fois DLNUF, consiste à éviter aux citoyens de fournir, lors de leurs démarches en ligne, des informations ou pièces justificatives déjà détenues par d’autres administrations, en s’appuyant sur le partage automatique de données, Les API jouent un rôle essentiel

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Intel’s Extensions to the OpenVX* API: OpenCL™ Custom Kernels

Current extension’s API still limits the OpenVX parameters that OpenCL kernels can access: OpenVX* Object, OpenCL™ Kernel Argument OpenCL™ C code vx_image, global uchar* ptr, uint width, // width of the output image, uint height, // height of the output image, uint pixelStride, // pixel stride in bytes , uint rowPitch, // row stride in bytes //repeat for every plain for multi-plannar

VisionWorks 1,5,3

CUDA accelerated OpenVX API and NVIDIA extension primitives; Direct CUDA Vision Programming Interface for advanced developers; Thread-safe API; Example/sample pipeline code; Documentation including Toolkit Reference Guide with Release Notes, Installation Guide, Tutorials and API Reference, References , VisionWorks 1,5,3 Release Notes; VisionWorks 1,5,3 for Linux README; VisionWorks …

Comprendre la spécification OpenAPI Swagger et apprendre

Dans mon précédent billet, j’ai présenté comment intégrer le Framework Swagger dans une application ASP,NET Core Web API, Pour rappel, Swagger offre des outils permettant de générer la documentation pour son API Web, Il offre également une interface permettant d’explorer et tester les différentes méthodes offertes par le service,Le framework Swagger pour ASP,NET Core …

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