plagioclase feldspar vs potassium feldspar

What is the difference between plagioclase feldspar and

What is the difference between plagioclase feldspar and potassium feldspar? In general, potassium feldspars commonly have pink to reddish hues, while the plagioclase feldspars tend to be white or gray, but both mineral groups may exhibit similar colors, so the presence or absence of striations is more diagnostic, Click to see full answer,

K-Feldspar and Plagioclase Feldspar

Fragments of pure feldspar crystals thus tend to form rectangular blocks with irregular ends, Feldspars have vitreous lusters and occur in opaque shades of white to gray to pink to very dark gray, Other rarer colors are also possible! The feldspars are divided into two main groups: Potassium feldspar “K-spar” and plagioclase “plag”, Both display two cleavages and an overlapping range of

How does one choose, with a microscope, the potassium

Potassium feldspar vs plagioclase is a bit more difficult, If they show twinning, which is relatively common, then you can distinguish them by the difference in twin laws, Plagioclase will show


Obviously, silicon and oxygen form the foundation for the group, but calcium, sodium, and potassium are also present, One of these elements is usually dominant, but most of the feldspars contain all 3 in varying amounts, It is the proportions of these 3 elements which help determine which specific feldspar is formed, The feldspars are divided into 2 broad categories: plagioclase, which

How is plagioclase feldspar different from orthoclase

Regarding this, what is the main difference between orthoclase feldspar and plagioclase feldspar? Plagioclase feldspars lack potassium, are light colored and are usually striated, The other k-spar minerals are sanidine, microcline and anorthoclase , Orthoclase is the more common of the k-spars, The differences between these minerals are minor in hand samples, Also Know, what is the most …

difference between feldspar

Plagioclase” is the name of a group of feldspar minerals that form a solid solution series ranging from pure albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8, to pure anorthite, CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8,Minerals in this series are a homogenous mixture of albite and anorthite, The names of the minerals in the series are arbitrarily given based upon their relative abundance of albite and anorthite,

Feldspar Distinctions, Characteristics & Identification

How to Tell Feldspar

Feldspar vs, Quartz: What’s the Difference? 5 Crucial

Labradorite, a plagioclase feldspar, has the chemical formula Ca, NaAl, Si4O 8 while orthoclase, a potassium feldspar, has the chemical formula KAlSi 3 O 8, The minerals in the feldspar group are individual minerals that just happen to all be incredibly similar—so similar, …

Potassium Feldspar



It is beacause its ability to produce solid solution with both sanidine K-feldspar and anorthite plagioclase, Albite is typical in silica rich rocks, especially in pegmatites, High disordered albite is also quite typical for high temperature greisen deposits where it replaces some minerals or even creates albite zones, Typically, albite is white or very slightly yellow in color

What is the difference between feldspar and plagioclase

Answer 1 of 2: Introduction to Feldspar – * Feldspars are the most abundant minerals in the earth’s crust, They constitute about 2/3rd of the igneous rocks, * They are a group of rock-forming tectosillicate minerals that make up 51% of the earth’s crust, * The word ‘Feldspar’ has been deriv

Feldspar vs Plagioclase – What’s the difference?

Feldspar is a see also of plagioclase, In context,mineralogy,lang=en terms the difference between feldspar and plagioclase is that feldspar is mineralogy any of a large group of rock-forming minerals that, together, make up about 60% of the earth’s outer crust the feldspars are all aluminum silicates of the alkali metals sodium, potassium, calcium and barium feldspars are the principal


K-feldspar is widespread and common in a wide variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks and in some sedimentary rocks, Its chemistry and atomic arrangement are variable, so optical properties vary as well, The three principle varieties of K-feldspar are microcline low temperature, orthoclase medium temperature, sanidine high temperature, Other, rare, related feldspar varieties include

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