pongamia tree seeds image


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Pongamia oil is derived from the seeds of the Millettia pinnata tree, a legume native to tropical and temperate Asia but now strewn across the globe, The plant produces pods, the seeds of which contain approximately 30% oil, but this oil is unsuitable for human consumption as it is toxic and will induce nausea and vomiting; its disagreeable taste and odour is due to bitter flavonoid

Profitable Pongamia: High value biofuel from an Australian

Image: Pongamia Pinnata Seeds from Pongamia trees produce ten times more oil per acre compared to soy, three times more protein, but use 75% less water and chemical inputs, As a legume, Pongamia trees also fix their own nitrogen, The project is being spear headed by Terviva, an investor-backed venture that has catalogued the genetics of Pongamia genetics to identify high …

About Pongamia

The Seeds: Pongamia seeds, pictured left, are the source of the oil, and for us the most important part of the plant, The seed in shell contains between 30-40% oil, This is quite variable, and is one of the selection factors we have employed in choosing elite plants, The Shell: The shell is a waste product, however when burnt, it has similar energy to brown coal, so it can be used in either a

Is This Asian Tree a New Hope for Florida’s Citrus Growers

Pongamia seeds, seed pods, oil and seed cake, A two-year old pongamia tree flowering in Texas, Images courtesy of Terviva Inc, Citrus fruits hit with citrus greening disease or HLB, Image courtesy of South Texas Citrus Alert, Unlike their some other alternatives, citrus farmers could use their existing field architecture for the pongamia, Farmers like McClure wouldn’t need to raze the beds

Pongamia pinnata L, Pierre

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Pongamia pinnata is a medium-sized evergreen or briefly deciduous, glabrous shrub or tree 15-25 m high, with straight or crooked trunk 50-80 cm or more in diameter and broad crown of spreading or drooping branches, Bark grey-brown, smooth or faintly vertically fissured, Branchlets hairless with pale stipule scars, Leaves alternate, imparipinnate with long slender leafstalk, hairless, pinkish

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Pongamia pinnata

A multipurpose tree, it is particularly valued for its oil and also supplies dyestuff, wood, fuel, insect repellent, medicines and various other commodities, The tree is planted in the humid tropical and subtropical lowlands around the world as a pioneer and soil reclamation plant [, 303, Title,

Pongamia pinnata L, Pierre

The tree grows well in northern dry zone, central dry zone, eastern dry zone, southern dry and transition zone of Karnataka, Other dry zones of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Maharashtra have also been identified for growing pongamia trees, Germination: Generally seeds do not required any pretreatment before sowing, Maximum germination

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Pongamia Risk Assessment

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Pongamia is a medium-sized, fast-growing tree or shrub 15–25 m tall, It has been described as briefly deciduous or evergreen with a drooping or spreading branching habit and broad crown Orwa et al, 2009, The bark is grey or grey-brown and smooth or with faint vertical fissures, The branchlets are hairless with pale stipule scars evident, The leaves are arranged alternately along the

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Its seeds can generate up to 40% crude pongamia oil by weight, It is a nitrogen-fixing tree that can help restore degraded land and improve soil properties, Pongamia also provides wood, fodder, medicine, fertilizer and biogas, As a multipurpose species, pongamia holds great potential for combating Indonesia’s energy demand and restoring much of the degraded land, However, the potential

Pongamia pinnata L,: Composition and : A review

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Seed production per tree kg/year 0-30 20 Seed oil content % 1-45 40 Seed viability Months <12 Tree per hectare Number 320-500 350 Yield Tonnes/ha/year 7 Factors which Influences the good growth of Pongamia Pinnata 1, Soil and water Pongamia has been growing on a wide range of soil types like

Pongamia pinnata Pongam

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Pongamia pinnata Figure 1, Middle-aged Pongam, Pongam1 Edward F, Gilman and Dennis G, Watson2 INTRODUCTION Pongam is a fast-growing evergreen tree which reaches 40 feet in height and spread, forming a broad, spreading canopy casting moderate shade Fig, 1, The three-inch-long, pinnately compound, glossy green leaves are briefly deciduous, dropping for just a short period of time in early

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Pongamia trees examined for protein meal potential

The seeds of a legume tree, pongamia beans can be processed into plant protein, livestock feed and high-oleic oil, according to an announcement from TerViva, an agriculture technology firm, TerViva is commercializing the pongamia trees, which produce as much as 10-times the beans per acre as soy for the supply of plant protein, vegetable oil and biofuels,

Pongamia oil


Karanja Millettia pinnata

The karanja tree starts fruiting 4 to 7 years after planting and full production is achieved within 10 years Murphy et al,, 2012, It can produce 0-30 kg seeds per year, Planting at approximately 5 x 5 m intervals allows 350 tree/ha, At 20 kg seeds/tree average yield, an annual production of 7 t of seeds can be expected Murphy et al,, 2012,

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