religious patrimony

Dictionary : PATRIMONY

PATRIMONY Any inheritance, especially from one’s father, Solemn profession in a religious order requires the renunciation of one’s patrimony, The Second Vatican Council extended this practice

Europe’s religious patrimony in crisis

Try La Croix International now for just USD 4,99 a Quarter! Europe’s religious patrimony in crisis Europe’s religious heritage offers an opportunity to celebrate the past and to build the future


The word Patrimony is not often employed in the parlance of our day, Thus, it is only appropriate to ask for a concise definition of this under-utilized word, In essence, the Church’s Patrimony are those items and artifacts that have been brought into existence through the gifts and sacrifices of the faithful for the devotional life of the people, the celebration of the Sacraments, and for the

Canon Law

When religious institutes deal with the sale of property or the contracting of debts, one question that usually arises is whether this transaction is subject to the canonical rules governing alienation, It should be noted the rules apply only to what is known as stable patrimony, The patrimony or temporal goods of a public juridic person in the church, such as a religious institute or one of

Weak-Kneed Prayers or Religious Patrimony?

Pope Benedict XVI 7 July 2007 Weak-Kneed Prayers or Religious Patrimony? N GOING THROUGH some old books that had been discarded by a Catholic school library, I found a book from 1982 on planning Masses with children, Filled with various articles about liturgical planning involving children, I chuckled at the drawings and skimmed through the text,

Our Anglican Patrimony – All Saints Sisters

And a host of others who became faithful priests, bishops, religious and lay people in the Catholic Church – and most lately, the All Saints Sisters! Perhaps the most mysterious gift of this Anglican patrimony is its way of graciously leading souls onward – with the kindly light of Christ – leading, in fact, into full communion and union with the Holy See, Second: HEAVEN IN ORDINARY, The

The Cultural Heritage of the Church and Religious Families

FOR THE CULTURAL PATRIMONY OF THE CHURCH, Rome, April 10, 1994 , 275/92/12, Dear Reverend Mother General, Dear Reverend General Superior, Among the concerns in the life of the Church to which the Holy Father John Paul II has directed his attention and of which those in charge of various religious communities of the Church are also aware, You will have noticed a very particular …

No Religious Belief Brides

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Search of a Common Religious Basis

This is expressed not only in terms of a religio-ethical partnership, but is also based on the common religious patrimony of the Hebrew Scriptures, Bases for Jews to enter into relationship with Christians, 1, the need to take a common stand against ignorance, prejudice, bigotry and their violent manifestations on the basis of the affirmation ­ shared with Christians and other people of faith

France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western

“Every two weeks in France, a mosque is created and a church disappears,” said Edouard de Lamaze, president of the Observatory of Religious Patrimony, Writing in L’Incorrect , Frédéric Saint Clair, a political analyst, recalled that if at the end of the 1970s there were about 200 mosques in the country, today there are more than 2,500,

Understand the Vows of Catholic Nuns

Solemn Vows vs, Simple Vows

John Paul I, “the smiling pope,” to be beatified

In 2020 Pope Francis created the Vatican John Paul I Foundation to promote the late pope’s memory and cultural and religious patrimony, Francis appointed the …

Religious, Canon Law of

RELIGIOUS, CANON LAW OF, Religious Institutes are one of the two forms of consecrated life delineated in the Code of Canon Law cc, 573 – 731, The code first treats both religious institutes and secular institutes cc, 573 – 606, then each separately religious institutes in cc, 607 – 709 and secular institutes in cc, 710 – 730, Canon 573 describes life consecrated through the

patrimoine religieux

remain fa ithful to their religious patrimony, [] les nombreuses confessions existant dans l’île, [] in the numerous denominations which can be found throughout the island, [] une partie de n otre patrimoine religieux, [] our hi story and our religious heritage,

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