rodney mullen enjoi

rodney mullen enjoi

rodney mullen enjoi so enjoy

enjoi freestyle club

the first rule of freestyle club is: you do not talk about freestyle club,rodney mullen guest complete,-subscribe to the enjoi youtube: http://bit,ly/Subscri

Raw Text: Rodney Mullen enjoi 15 Years

From the 15 YEARS OF ENJOI feature in our December 2015 issue, here was Rodney Mullen’s full raw text interview used to mine quotes for the print edit, We’ll post up more of these over the next few weeks, Rodney and …

Enjoi Skateboards Rodney Mullen Freestyle Complete

Enjoi Skateboards offers a huge selection of Enjoi Skateboards Rodney Mullen Freestyle Complete Skateboard 7,37×27,6 at Warehouse Skateboards,



Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen’s page, Social links, bio, insta feed, decks, videos and more,

Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen, 7 years ago 7 notes, A few months ago, I was in Silicon Valley, doing a little 10min talk with some folks from O’Reilly Books, re: Big Data, Part of the fun of doing these kinds of things is simply meeting these incredible people that they— Strata, in this case— bring together, One guy came up to me and told me how much skating had influenced him, then went on to say

滑板教父特辑(上)#滑手簿#–Rodney Mullen

John Rodney Mullen,1966年8月17日生于加州的Redondo海岸,freestyle和街式滑手,是大名鼎鼎的现代街式动作奠基人和创造者(包括平地ollie、kickflip、heelfilp、360-flip、impossible等),他被广泛认可为史上最具影响力的滑手,同时他还是众多品牌(Almost、Enjoi、Blind、Cliche、Tensor等)的母公司dwindle集团的老板

Best Of Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen doing his amazing stuff,Sweet Home Alabama – Performed by ZoeAngela lot of people asked for a link to the song, but i couldn’t find it myself


Enjoi,2000年由Maple前职业滑手Marc Johnson在Rodney Mullen支持和帮助下成立的滑板公司。同时还有滑板附件、服饰出售,是21世纪最大的滑板公司之一Dwindle Distribution旗下的滑板品牌。 Enjoi的熊 …

Ce qu’il faut savoir sur Rodney Mullen

Fonction / Métier, Rodney Mullen n’est pas seulement un skateur professionnel, Parallèlement, il a aussi écrit un livre paru en 2003 du nom de The Mutt: How to skateboard and not kill yourself,Le skateur est également connu pour avoir créé trois marques en lien avec son sport : Enjoi, Almost et Tensor, Il est également cascadeur pour le film Le Cube Luisant en 1989,

Les produits Enjoi Skateboard

Fondée en 2000 par le skateur Marc Johnson et son ami Rodney Mullen, ENJOI est une marque de skateboards très populaire, Elle se distingue par ses produits inspirés de la culture hip-hop, ainsi que son logo emblématique représentant un panda, Cette compagnie américaine propose des skateboards de haute qualité, mais aussi des accessoires et des vêtements liés à cette pratique

Rodney Mullen — Wikipédia


Is Skateboard Legend Rodney Mullen Autistic?

Rodney Mullen Shows Classic Signs of Being an Autistic Savant, Skateboarding wasn’t Mullen’s only obsession, As a child, he used Erector sets to build a complete control center for his room, which used pulleys and strings to allow him to turn on the lights and open the door from the upper bunk of his bed, Mullen would become so involved in his Erector creations that his parents would have

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