scythe cyber security


SCYTHE is an adversary emulation platform for the enterprise and cybersecurity consulting market, The SCYTHE platform enables Red, Blue, and Purple teams to build and emulate real-world adversarial campaigns in a matter of minutes, SCYTHE allows …

Unicorn Library

SCYTHE aims to educate and engage in order to inspire the art of the possible in cybersecurity, Adversarial threats, risk management, and security innovation don’t pause when working from home, We have curated a collection of presentations, research, …

SCYTHE Banks $10M Investment for Adversary Simulation

SCYTHE, based in Arlington, Va,, said the $10 million Series A funding round was led by Gula Tech Ventures and Paladin Capital Group, Energy Impact Partners EIP also joined as an investor, The company sells software that helps security teams …

Cybersecurity Startup SCYTHE Raises $10M to Fund Hiring

SCYTHE offers a platform where defensive blue, offensive red and hybrid purple security teams can create cybersecurity emulations based on real-world threats, in order to help them prepare for or respond to cyberattacks, The solution is modular, making it easy to customize for company needs and validate the efficacy of these security tools, in order to justify company spending,

SCYTHE Library: Threat Thursday

You may have noticed that SCYTHE really believes in collaboration, hence why we continue to push the industry forward towards Purple Teaming, To stay ahead of the attackers, we must work together: Cyber Threat Intelligence, Red Teams, and Blue Teams, For this #ThreatThursday we are looking at one of the most common ransomware threat actors, Conti, We are leveraging Cyber Threat …

SCYTHE Library: SCYTHE Partner Spotlight: CIPHER

SCYTHE CTO Jorge Orchilles, sat down with Ricardo Encinosa, VP of Managed Security Services U,S, at CIPHER, to discuss their partnership experience with SCYTHE, CIPHER is a global managed security service provider MSSP that offers a wide range of services including a 24/7 security operations center, Red Team services, cyber intelligence services, as well as GRC services and …

SCYTHE Library: Threat Thursday

Chris is an Adversary Emulation – Detection Engineer at SCYTHE, specializing in Purple Team Exercises and Detection Engineering, His previous experience includes multiple roles such as Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst, Cyber Threat Hunter, Tier 3 SOC Analyst, Incident Responder, Cyber Security Consultant, and Purple Team Lead, He previously

Join the Herd

SCYTHE is disrupting the traditional approach to security by taking vulnerability assessments to the next level, The SCYTHE platform provides continuous breach and attack simulation which delivers quantifiable portfolio management for CISOs, giving organizations real-time understanding of where their defenses stack up to current and future threats to the enterprise,

9 Cyber Attack Simulation Tools to Improve Security

SCYTHE, Know where your organization stands in security risk exposure, Scythe platform got a powerful and easy-to-use workflow to create and launch a real-world cyber threat campaign, With the help of data, you can analyze your security endpoints in real-time, Scythe is offered as a SaaS model or on-premises, Whether you are a red, blue, or purple team – it fits all, If you are interested in


Alors que les attaques par rançongiciels sont de plus en plus nombreuses, la CNIL rappelle quelques points de vigilance, Articles associés, Cybermoi/s : la CNIL s’engage pour la sécurité du numérique, 01 octobre 2021, La CNIL sera présente au 12e Forum international de la cybersécurité FIC du 7 au 9 septembre 2021, 02 septembre 2021,

SCYTHE Library: The Difference Between Cybersecurity

SCYTHE: Move Beyond Cybersecurity Simulation by Adopting Cyber Attack Emulation for ADR, SCYTHE’s ADR solution empowers Red and Blue teams the ability to attack, evaluate, educate, collaborate, and validate, Our easy-to-use platform natively integrates with some of the most used security team tools, including Splunk, VECTR, and PlexTrac,

SCYTHE Announces $10 Million Series A Investment to

SCYTHE enables offensive security, defensive security, and hybrid “purple” teams to build and emulate real-world cybersecurity threats in minutes, This helps customers validate the risk posture of their business and employees, The new investment puts SCYTHE in a strong market position to expand the company’s engineering, sales and marketing and customer service operations for SCYTHE’s


SCYTHE enables organizations to continuously assess their risk posture and exposure, SCYTHE combines breach and attack simulation features with vulnerability assessment and penetration testing capabilities to deliver the ability to continuously assess the security posture of an entire organization without the need for costly training, technical expertise, or complex setup,

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