spring conditional bean

Conditional Beans with Spring Boot

A Spring application context contains an object graph that makes up all the beans that ourapplication needs at runtime, Spring’s @Conditionalannotation allows us to defineconditions under which a certain bean is included into that object graph, Why would we need to include or exclude beans under certain conditions? In my experienc…Declaring Conditional Beans

Conditional Beans Creation In Spring Boot

Conditional Beans Creation In Spring Boot, Aug 14, 2017 6 min read Spring Conditional Beans Creation In Spring Boot, Spring Container is core to …

Spring Conditional Annotations


Spring 4

Spring 4,0 Conditional Bean Configuration, Spring 4 adds a new @Conditional annotation that allows for a similar conditionalized configuration, but one that does not require a profile, Using the operating system example again, you would need to create two classes that implement the Spring Condition interface, This interface requires the implementation of a matches method, The …

Spring Boot Conditional beans

Spring Boot Conditional beans example, In the following application, we have two beans that are registered based on conditions, This is the project structure of the Spring Boot application, This is the Maven pom,xml file, This is the MessageBean , This is …

Spring @Conditional Annotation

Spring @Conditional Annotation Example 2, In this example, we will write a Spring’s @Conditional checking based on whether a Bean object is present or not in Spring Application Context, We are going to use same Example-1 project files with some minor changes, Create a new Spring 4 Condition to check a bean is available in Application Context


Spring – @Bean conditional registration, Spring 4, introduced a new annotation @Conditional, which is meant to be used on @Bean methods or in case of @ComponentScan with @Component classes, or the @Configuration classes, The purpose of this annotation is to enable/disable target beans from being registered based on some condition,


As for me, this problem can be solved by using Spring 3,1 @Profiles, because @Conditional annotation give you opportunity for define some strategy for conditional bean registration user-defined strategies for conditional checking, when @Profiles can …

The Spring @ConditionalOnProperty Annotation


How to do conditional auto-wiring in Spring?

Spring 4 has added a new method how to do conditional bean registration via @Conditional annotation, That is worth checking as well, That is worth checking as well, Of course there are numerous other ways with Spring Boot alone via its @ConditionalOn* ,

Spring @ConditionalOnBean Example

To declare a condition, you can use any of the @Conditional… annotations, The @ConditionalOnBean annotation let a bean be included based on the presence of specific beans, By default Spring will search entire hierarchy SearchStrategy,ALL , Prerequisites, Java at …

Profiles in Spring to register beans conditionally

In Spring Framework, profiles are logical groups of bean definitions that are registered only if the given profile is active, It is possible to assign a bean with multiple Profiles, separated with logical operations like not !, and & and or , etc, Profiles in Spring are specified with the @Profile annotation in Spring, It is possible to use and activate @Profile annotations in several

spring Tutorial

Conditional bean registration in Spring, Remarks, Important point to note while using condition, The condition class is referred as direct class not as spring bean so it can’t use the @Value property injection i,e, no other spring beans can be injected within it, From java docs – Conditions must follow the same restrictions as BeanFactoryPostProcessor and take care to never interact with

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