star trek tng hugh borg


Hugh was found in the Argolis Cluster at the crash site of a Borg scout ship, Hugh himself was critically injured, and was brought back to the Enterprise-D for medical attention by Dr, Beverly Crusher under protest from Captain Picard, Upon arriving on the Enterprise-D, Hugh was placed in the brig and kept under guard at all times, He had trouble ad…Newfound Individuality

Star Trek: Hugh Borg’s TNG Backstory & Why He’s Important

With free-thinking Borg collectives seemingly present in Star Trek: Picard, viewers may gain an insight into how successful Hugh‘s mission to lead his Borg

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” I Borg TV Episode 1992

I Borg: Directed by Robert Lederman, With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, The Enterprise finds a lone Borg drone, …

Hugh Borg’s Role In Picard: Returning Star Trek TNG

Date de publication : févr, 06, 2020Temps de Lecture Estimé: 5 mins

Hugh‘s presence on the Romulan Borg Artifact is a clever callback to his own life story: Star Trek: Picard’s Borg Cube suffered a sudden submatrix collapse after it assimilated Ramdha and her fellow Romulans, The Collective permanently severed its link to the Borg Cube, deactivating it and leaving it derelict, As “Descent” explained, a similar event happened on Hugh‘s Cube after he returned

Star Trek: Picard Episode 7 Kills Off A TNG Character

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Picard Season 1, Episode 7, Star Trek: Picard killed off a fan favorite character from Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hugh Borg Jonathan Del Arco,The CBS All-Access series about the twilight years of Jean-Luc Picard Patrick Stewart launched the Starfleet hero on a dangerous new mission involving evil Romulans plotting to eliminate Soji Isa Briones, the

I, Borg


I Borg episode


Star Trek Picard: What TNG Borg Episodes To Watch

We know Star Trek: Voyager’s reformed Borg drone Seven of Nine and TNG‘s benevolent drone Hugh will be returning for Star Trek: Picard, but it’s unclear what role the Borg play almost two decades after they were last featured in a Star Trek production, The trailers for Picard suggest some sort of antagonistic relationship with the Romulans

[TNG] I Borg

[TNG] Season 5, Episode 23: I Borg, Rating: 3, This episode has an unusual but effective dynamic: Picard is in the wrong, and everyone else has to convince him not to go through with his plan, It works, of course, because of Picard and Guinan’s past with The Borg, and because of the unique nature of the Borg as an entity, It would probably rank higher for us, but the solution to the whole

Jonathan Del Arco

Jonathan Del Arco born 7 March 1966; age 55 is the Uruguayan-born actor who played Hugh in the Star Trek: The Next Generation fifth and seventh season episodes “I Borg” and “Descent, Part II”, He reprised the role in the Star Trek: Picard first season episodes “The End is the Beginning”, “The Impossible Box”, and “Nepenthe”, He also appeared as Fantome in the Star Trek: Voyager seventh


Hugh Borgbezeichnung Dritter von Fünf ist ein aus dem Kollektiv der Borg befreiter ehemaliger Borg, Dritter von Fünf ist zunächst eine Borg-Drohne, welche dem Kollektiv angehört, 2368 befindet sich dieser mit vier weiteren Drohnen auf einem Borg-Scout, welches durch den Argolis-Cluster fliegt, Doch dort kommt es zu einer Katastrophe und das Schiff stürzt auf einem Planeten ab, Alle


Hugh was a male Borg drone who lived in the mid 24th century, Designated “Third of Five”, he was a member of the Borg Collective and dispatched in a Borg scout vessel which crashed on a unnamed planetoid, He was the only survivor of the crash whereupon he was discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D in 2368, They began to study him and with an attempt by Starfleet to use the drone to

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” I Borg TV Episode 1992

Star Trek: The Next Generation” I Borg TV Episode 1992 cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more,

Star Trek: Picard Is Answering TNG’s Most Frustrating

Star Trek: Picard is poised to answer one of the biggest open questions from Star Trek: The Next Generation – the fate of Hugh and his collective of …

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