star wars inquisitorius


L’Inquisitorius était une organisation du Côté Obscur de la Force créée par Dark Sidious au sein de l’Empire Galactique, Elle était constituée d’Inquisiteurs, des combattants sensibles à la Force formés dans le but de traquer les Jedi ayant échappé à l’Ordre …


Inquisitors were originally created for The Star Wars Sourcebook, a 1987 sourcebook for a Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game written by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith, [58] At Dragon Con 2018 , Rebels writer Henry Gilroy explained that in choosing former Jedi to join the Inquisitorius, Palpatine …

Inquisitorius • Encyclopédie • Star Wars Universe

Inquisitorius – Organisations – Encyclopédie – Star Wars Universe, Ce formulaire vous permet de proposer du nouveau contenu historique de l’organisation par exemple ou de nous faire part d’une erreur pour la fiche Inquisitorius,Celles-ci seront vérifiées et prises en compte dès que possible par un membre du staff,


The Inquisitorius, also known as the Imperial Inquisition, was a secret division of Imperial Intelligence consisting of dark side Force-sensitive agents known as Inquisitors sometimes also as Inquisitioners, or “truth officers”, Under the control of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, these Inquisitors were considered the highest ranking of the Dark Side Adepts, outranking the Emperor’s …




L’Inquisitorius fut créé à la chute de la République par Dark Sidious, Les inquisiteurs avaient pour but d’aider Dark Vador à traquer les Jedi ayant survécu à l’Ordre 66, Star Wars HoloNet


The Inquisitorius first appeared The Star Wars Sourcebook in 1987 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game written by Curtis Smith and Bill Slavicsek, Their role was later expanded in many other sources of the Star Wars Expanded Universe now known as Legends which is declared non-canon, The Inquisitorius was later re-canonized in Star Wars Rebels which also has many re-canonized …


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Citadel Inquisitorius

Citadel Inquisitorius was the headquarters for most of the Inquisitorius, located on the mountainous planet Prakith in the Deep Core, Here, the High Inquisitors received assignments and conferred with other Inquisitors, The citadel was a dark, fear-inspiring tower jutting forebodingly from the mountains, Inside, it had features similar to those of religious structures found galaxywide, with

Forteresse Inquisitorius

Forteresse Inquisitorius, Cette partie du guide Star Wars Jedi : Fallen Order est dédiée à la Forteresse Inquisitorius et ses scans, Contrairement aux autres zones du jeu, vous n’y trouverez que des scans et vous ne pourrez pas la revisiter après le générique de fin, Sachez également qu’un écho de la Force dans la Forteresse est classé

Inquisitorius Recruit

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Dawn of Defiance Sword of the Empire Affiliations: The Inquisitorius, These are newer Inquisitorius Recruits, taken from the Imperial populace and trained in the detection of Force-users, They are dressed in red and black Inquisitor robes, The looks in their eyes show that combat is nothing new to them,


The Inquisitorius is an organization in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, The Inquisitors, mostly Jedi who have been turned by torture, spend their lives hunting down Jedi that survived Order 66, working alongside the ruthless Purge Troopers, They use a double-bladed multifunction lightsaber with a


Inquisitorius Stiletto: An accessory weapon that is a variation of the Molecular Stiletto appearing to be nothing more than a typical, slender dagger, Upon thumbing a small activator stub on the hilt, however, a sharp and nearly invisible monomolecular blade springs from the tip, This makes the stiletto perfect for penetrating armor in weak points and is deadly as a stabbing weapon in its own

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