temple of jupiter rome

Temple de Jupiter capitolin — Wikipédia

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Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Rome – Smarthistory

A Temple on A Hill

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Rome article

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Rome A temple on a hill, Like the Etruscans and Greeks before them, the Romans are known for having constructed monumental Current State and Original Appearance s, Remains of the temple include portions of the tuff a …

Temple de Jupiter Capitolin

Vue du Capitole et du temple de Jupiter, premiers temps de Rome, Le Temple de Jupiter le très Bon et le très Grand, appelé aussi Temple de Jupiter Capitolin était dédié à la triade capitoline : Jupiter, Junon et Minerve, C’était le plus grand monument ayant existé sur …

10 Facts about the Temple of Jupiter

During the ancient Rome, the temple was very vital in the life of the local people, In the official religion of the Romans, the temple took the role as their cathedral, The Area of Capitoline was located around the Temple of Jupiter where the meeting of some assemblies held there, The display of the victory trophies, statues, altars and shrines were found there, Facts about The Temple of

Temple of Jupiter Roman Heliopolis

The Temple of Jupiter is a colossal Roman temple, the largest of the Roman world, situated at the Baalbek complex in Heliopolis Syriaca modern Lebanon,The temple served as an oracle and was dedicated to Jupiter Heliopolitanus,, It is not known who commissioned or designed the temple, nor exactly when it was constructed, Work probably began around 16 BC and was nearly complete by …

Temple de Jupiter Férétrien — Wikipédia


Temple of Jupiter

Notable examples include: In Rome: Temple of Jupiter Custos Jupiter the Guardian, uncertain site Temple of Jupiter Feretrius Jupiter of the Temple of Jupiter Custos Jupiter the Guardian, uncertain site Temple of Jupiter Feretrius Jupiter of the Spoils , uncertain site; the first temple

Temple of Jupiter Stator 2nd century BC

The Temple of Jupiter Stator “Jupiter the Sustainer” was a temple of Ancient Rome in the southern Campus Martius,It was destroyed in 64 AD in the Great Fire of Rome,, The Temple was named after the god Jupiter, in his form of Jupiter Stator Jupiter the Sustainer, Together with the Temple of Juno Regina Juno in the form of “Queen Juno” and the enclosing Porticus Metelli later rebuilt as

Origins of the Temple, Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Jupiter Best and Greatest honored the Capitoline Triad of Roman deities: Jupiter, Juno Regina Juno the Queen, and Minerva, 1 Its alternate title, the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus Capitoline Jupiter references its significant location on the Capitoline Hill of Rome, 2 According to the Roman historian Livy, Tarquinius Priscus, an Etruscan king of Rome

Temple of Jupiter Apenninus


Temple of Capitoline Jupiter

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