text about pollution

Short Paragraph on Pollution 352 Words

Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly, Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer, Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases, The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate

Texte sur la pollution : sous les déchets, la plage

sous-les-dechets-la-plage – Vincent Durrenberger, 00:00, R, P, d, Chaque année, plus de 300 millions de tonnes de plastique ne sont pas recyclées, Les conséquences sur la nature sont gravissimes, notamment sur les océans qui contiendraient selon la revue américaine Science plus de 110 millions de tonnes de déchets plastiques,

Exemple d’un texte argumentatif sur la pollution

1- Un petit texte argumentatif sur la pollution : La pollution menace notre environnement, Chaque jour, notre air se dégrade de plus en plus, Pour vivre, un être humain ou vivant a besoin de respirer, Or, la qualité de l’air que nous respirons dans les villes ne cesse de se polluer, En effet, notre air s’appauvrit en oxygène, ceci peut

Essay on Pollution in 500 Words

Effects of Pollution, Pollution affects the quality of life more than one can imagine, It works in mysterious ways, sometimes which cannot be seen by the naked eye, However, it is very much present in the environment, For instance, you might not be able to see the natural gases present in …

Reading Exercise – Pollution

18 lignesPollution is an environmental concern for people throughout the world, One university …

acid rain noun rain that contains harmful chemicals that
carcinogen noun a substance that has been linked to
contaminated adj, has come in contact with organisms or
developing country noun a nation that is working towards becoming

Voir les 18 lignes sur www,englishclub,com



Reading Comprehension : A Polluted World

Land pollution is the destruction of the earth’s land surfaces, It is often caused by human activities such as careless disposal of wastes, over-mining of minerals and wrong use of land for planting, All these will affect our health in the long run, They will lead to all kinds of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and breathing problems, Land pollution also brings about natural disasters

Writing an Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students

Pollution is a process of contaminating the environment in a way that it becomes unsafe to use, The contamination usually occurs through the chemical substances; however is not limited to tangible effects, The pollution can also take the form of the light, sound noise pollution, or heat, The effects of pollution are devastative, The report of the NGO Pure Earth suggests that one of the seven


Once released into the environment, pollution can affect wildlife habitats for years, It’s easy to blame factories, but some of the mess comes from everyday human activities, For instance, car exhaust fumes and excess garbage can seriously harm Earth’s health, You can probably clean your room in a couple of hours, At least we hope you can! But you can’t cram Earth’s pollution problem


An easy reading on the topic pollution followed by two exercises – answer the questions and fill the blanks with should or shouldn´t do to save the environment, Hope it may be useful! Have a nice day! : Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of …

Plastic pollution facts and information

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them

Environmental Pollution Causes and Consequences: A Study

Pollution and its direct and indirect negative effects on humans, and animals is one of the most important issues that researchers have been studying and searching for radical solutions, Therefore

Plastic Pollution

What’s The Problem with Plastic?

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