the other in literature

The Concept of the “Other” in Literature

The concept of the ‘other’ has been explored in terms of gender and culture however one of the numerous benefits of literature, is the ability for writers to explore the mystifying realm of the unknown, The use of the imagination allows exploration and differing interpretations into hidden or created cultures, animals, objects, humans

The Other

The Other is a common figure in literature, If you took Core Curriculum 1,1, you may recognize this concept in a tragedy like Medea, Medea as Other is doubly dangerous, For the Greeks, any non-Greek was the Other or a “barbarian,” and Medea is a barbarian, She is also the Other in being female; woman, as Other, is often perceived as inherently dangerous, Medea justifies these views of the

The Other, The Big Other, and Othering – Literary Theory

The Other, The Big Other, and Othering By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on October 24, 2017 • 3, Critical theorists are particularly committed to opposing binary oppositions where one side is seen as privileged over or defining itself against an Other often capitalized, for example, male/female, Occident/Orient, center/margin,

Introductory Essay: “The Other” and “Othering”

When we “other” another group, we point out their perceived weaknesses to make ourselves look stronger or better, It implies a hierarchy, and it serves to keep power where it already lies, Colonialism is one such example of the powers of othering, In my field, anthropology, “the Other” was for a very long time the core object of study

The Other

“The ‘other’ is anyone who is separate from one’s self, The existence of others is crucial in defining what is ‘normal and in locating one’s own place in the world” Ashcroft 154, and in the case of East vs, West, it is crucial in positioning the West as dominant over the East, Said even goes so far as to say that Orientalism is “a considerable dimension of modern political

the other – Literary Theory and Criticism

The Other, The Big Other, and Othering, By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on October 24, 2017 • 3, Critical theorists are particularly committed to opposing binary oppositions where one side is seen as privileged over or defining itself against an Other often capitalized, for example, male/female, Occident/Orient, center/margin,

Otherness in Literature – 1195 Words

Otherness in Literature, Otherness is a term in literature that means the quality of being different, When a character in literature is the other, that character is seen as not fitting in or being different in a fundamental way Melani, 2010, Another important feature of otherness is that it can take many different forms,

English Literary Representations of Otherness

English Literary Representations of Otherness: Moral Absolutes; Class; Gender; Race , Scholars who work with structuralist, post-structuralist, feminist, marxist, and other methodologies which depend on “binary oppositions” often look for works in which characters are created by invoking some rhetoric of “otherness,” The proper characters can be distinguished by their difference from the

What is Otherness? – The Other Sociologist

Defining Otherness

“In literature” vs, “in the literature” in English

Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English,It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more, When people write an essay or a scientific paper, they often say that it is possible to “find something in the literature”,

Other philosophy

In Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority 1961, Emmanuel Lévinas said that previous philosophy had reduced the constitutive Other to an object of consciousness, by not preserving its absolute alterity — the innate condition of otherness, by which the Other radically transcends the Self and the totality of the human network, into which the Other is being placed,

The concept of ‘The other’ in Literature by Natasha East

Wuthering Heights Examples in Gothic Literature Women as ‘The Other‘ Definition “The female is a female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities; we should regard the female nature as afflicted with a natural defectiveness,” – Aristotle Dr Jekyll and Mr,Hyde Frankenstein Rebecca


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1 Other/otherness Jean-François Staszak Publié dans International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2008, Elsevier Glossary Ethnocentrism: the propensity of a group in-group to consider its members and values as superior to the members and values of other groups out-groups Exotic: belonging to a faraway, foreign country or civilization and thus demarcated from the

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