twilio regions

Network Traversal Service Regions

10 lignesNetwork Traversal Service Regions, Network communication to and from Twilio‘s TURN servers will originate/terminate from the static IP address ranges listed below for each region, Refer to these ranges if you need to configure your local network to allow communication or apply Quality of Service routing rules to communication with Twilio,

au1 Australia 13,210,2,128 – 13,210,2,159, 54,252,254,
br1 Brazil 18,231,105,32 – 18,231,105,63, 177,71,206,
de1 Germany 52,59,186,0 – 52,59,186,31, 18,195,48,224
in1 India 52,66,193,96 – 52,66,193,127, 52,66,194,0

Voir les 10 lignes sur www,twilio,com

Legacy Regions

8 lignesLegacy Regions Public Legacy Regions, Region ID Location Replaced by Edge Location; …

us1-ix US East Coast Virginia over
us2-ix US West Coast Oregon over Interconnect
ie1-ix Ireland over Interconnect exchange in
de1-ix Frankfurt over Interconnect exchange in

Voir les 8 lignes sur www,twilio,com

Video Regions and Global Low Latency

Twilio Programmable Video regions are architected around two concepts: the Signaling Region and the Media Region, The Signaling Region: It is a per-Participant property, Hence, each Participant may have a different Signaling Region, It is the ingress / egress point for the Participant’s signaling traffic and Twilio‘s cloud, The Participant’s TLS encryption session is terminated at the edge

All About Twilio IP Addresses – Twilio Support

Twilio Client Regions and IP Addresses Twilio Docs Programmable Video, Like Twilio Client, Programmable Video’s SDKs for web and mobile applications have unique network connectivity requirements for signaling and media: Programmable Video IP Addresses Twilio Docs Network Traversal Service Regions Twilio Docs

Edge Locations

Twilio will continue to expand our Global Low Latency • Initialize with edge: [“ashburn”, “sydney”, “dublin”] • sydney becomes available, and the rest of the regions are still unreachable The SDK will attempt to connect to ashburn, Since ashburn is unreachable, the attempt will fail, The SDK will then attempt sydney and will fail again, Then dublin will be attempted and

Edge Locations

Edge locations allow customers to control their connectivity into and out of Twilio’s platform; this includes routing over the public Internet and through private connections with Twilio’s Interconnect,

Mobile SDK Edge Locations

Twilio Voice SDK lets you select the specific Twilio data center used when your Call connects to Twilio, Network communication to and from Twilio will originate/terminate from the fixed, static IP address ranges listed below for each edge location, Refer to these ranges if you need to configure your local network to allow communication or apply Quality of Service routing rules to communication

How International SMS Permissions work – Twilio Support

Need to send outbound messages outside of the U,S, and want to select the regions and countries you’ll allow? What is International SMS Messaging Permissions? Twilio provides our users with the ability to send outbound SMS messages globally, Your project is set up to only allow access to your home country, which is determined by the phone number you verified during signup, If you’d like to

Twilio Interconnect

Twilio Interconnect est une alternative à l’Internet ouvert et fournit des connexions privées entre votre réseau et Twilio, Il offre les meilleures performances et le meilleur débit de données, ainsi que la latence la plus faible, Étant donné que vos données n’ont jamais d’accès à l’Internet public, il offre également une sécurité absolue et peut garantir une qualité de bout en bout,

Elastic SIP Trunking

Global pay-as-you-go connectivity for VoIP infrastructure with Twilio‘s Elastic SIP Trunking, Learn how to configure, troubleshoot, and connect your SBC or PBX SIP infrastructure to a Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk with our API reference documentation, tutorials, and usage guides,

Tarifs SIP Trunking

Avec Twilio, unifiez les communications et renforcez les relations avec vos clients au sein de votre entreprise, depuis le marketing et les ventes jusqu’au service client et aux opérations,

API Reference

Twilio‘s Voice API makes it easy to make, retrieve, control and monitor calls, Using this REST API, you can make outgoing calls, modify calls in progress, and query metadata about calls, Build, train, and deploy AI bots, Conversational IVRs, and Alexa skills using …

Twilio, plateforme de communication dans le cloud, a

Twilio est une plate-forme de communication dans le cloud offrant la possibilité aux entreprises, de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs, d’offrir des expériences uniques d’engagement client, En démocratisant la voix, le SMS, le chat, la vidéo et le mail, Twilio permet d’innover et de réinventer la relation entre l’entreprise et ses

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