united nations refugee policy


People fleeing persecution and conflict have been granted asylum in foreign lands for thousands of years, The UN agency that helps refugees is UNHCRalso known as the UN Refugee Agency, which emerged in the wake of World War II to help Europeans displaced by that conflict, UNHCR was established on December 14, 1950 by the UN General A…Global Compact on Refugees

Refugee Law

Respect for the rule of law and human rights forms the essence of the protection of refugees, returnees and stateless persons, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


UNHCR – UNHCR policy on refugee protection and solutions in urban areas,


The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol are the key legal documents that form the basis of our work, With 149 State parties to either or both, they define the term ‘refugee’ and outlines the rights of refugees, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them, The core principle is non-refoulement, which asserts that a refugee should not be returned to a country where


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, Visit our website and find out how you can support us,


However, during mass movements of refugees, usually as a result of conflict or violence, it is not always possible or necessary to conduct individual interviews with every asylum seeker who crosses a border, These groups are often called ‘prima facie’ refugees, At UNHCR, we believe that everyone has a right to seek asylum from persecution, and we do our best to protect those who need it

An Overview of U,S, Refugee Law and Policy

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR conducts an initial screening to determine if an individual seeking refugee status qualifies as a refugee under international law and then identifies an appropriate “durable solution” for that individual: voluntary repatriation, local integration, or resettlement, Individuals identified as refugees in need of resettlement are

Migrants and Refugees

24 September 2021, Africa, A sharp increase in the deaths and disappearances of migrants at sea heading to Spain’s Canary Islands, along the West African coast, is a cause for “extreme concern” the UN’s migration agency, IOM, said on Friday, YouTube, United Nations,

Climate Change , UN News 31/10/2020
Refugees and Migrants , UN News 19/09/2020
Refugees and Migrants 18/09/2016
UN News – Migrants and Refugees

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International Migration Policies

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Data sources: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2017a, 2017b, Remittance inflows in US$, 2016 Distribution by age and sex, 2017 10 5 0 5 10 0-4 5-9


UNHCR’s Role in Addressing Climate Change and Disaster-Related Displacement

Refugee & Asylum Policy

Refugee & Asylum Policy Tens of millions of people around the globe have been forcibly displaced by conflict, natural disaster, or persecution, seeking refuge either within or beyond the borders of their country, Humanitarian protection, whether for refugees, asylum seekers, or internally displaced persons IDPs, represents a key policy area for many major immigrant-receiving countries …

The Next Generation of Refugee Resettlement in Europe 24/11/2020
Refugees: Risks and Challenges Worldwide , migrationpolicy,org 31/10/2002
Employment Services for Refugees: Leveraging Mainstream U
Integrating Refugees and Asylum Seekers into the German

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Asylum & the Rights of Refugees – International Justice


From White Russians to Afghan nationals: Delving into the

No Comments on From White Russians to Afghan nationals: Delving into the Philippines’ refugee policy; The Taliban’s swift takeover of Afghanistan, culminating in the fall of the country’s capital on August 15, has caused tens of thousands of Afghans to desperately flee from persecution and violence, According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR, there are

UN Jobs – Senior Resettlement Assistant – United Nations

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly, UNHCR’s mandate under the Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is to lead and co-ordinate action for international protection to refugees; seek permanent solutions for the problems of refugees and …

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