witten laplacian

Witten’s Laplacian and the Morse Inequalities

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Witten Laplacian Then as t becomes large, !2ker t implies that !can be nonzero only on small neighborhoods of the critical points of f, We will now consider a neighborhood U q of a critical point q of f, and compute t in a local coordinate system on U q, Witten’s Laplacian and the Morse Inequalities Gianmarco Molino Background Morse Inequalities Witten’s Idea Local Approximation Weak Morse

Sur la multiplicité des valeurs propres du laplacien de Witten

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Keywords : Witten Laplacian, di erential forms, multiplicity of eigenalues,v MSC2000 : 58J50 1, Introduction Depuis que S, Y, Cheng a montré dans [Ch76] que la multiplicité de la k-ième aleurv propre du laplacien sur une surface compacte est majorée en fonction de ket de la topologie, ce problème de multiplicité pour le laplacien agissant sur les fonctions a fait l’objet de nombreux

Witten Laplacian on a lattice spin system

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3, Witten Laplacian actin ong differential forms In Section 2, we have introduced the Witten Laplacian W, e now proceed to the Witten Laplacian acting on differential forms, Let us quickly review the exterior algebra I, n the sequel, we will deal with multi­ linear functionals on R N, Let t b p-lineae a r functional and s be a g-linear functional,

Études de petites valeurs propres du Laplacien de Witten

Études de petites valeurs propres du Laplacien de Witten, Abstract : In this PhD thesis, the exponentially small eigenvalues of some self-adjoint realization of the Witten Laplacian are accurately computed, More precisely, the Neumann type realization of the Witten Laplacian on a …

Études de petites valeurs propres du Laplacien de Witten

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Witten Dorian Le Peutrec To cite this version: Dorian Le Peutrec, Études de petites valeurs propres du Laplacien de Witten, Mathématiques [math], Université Rennes 1, 2009, Français, ￿tel-00452849￿ N ORDRE : 3912 de la th`ese THESE` pr´esent´ee DEVANT L’ UNIVERSITE DE RENNES 1´ pour obtenir le grade de : DOCTEUR DE L’ UNIVERSITE DE RENNES 1´ Mention : Math´ematiques et

The hypoelliptic Laplacian, analytic torsion and Cheeger

The Witten Laplacian and [3, Section V,b] is then given by − ∂ 2 ∂ y 2 + T 2 y 2 ∓ T ± 2 T d y i ∂ / ∂ y, Then H ⋅, ± R can be identified with the kernel of this operator, By a direct computation, the elliptic Ray–Singer metric coincides with the canonical metric on λ …

Tunneling effect for Witten Laplacians and Kramers

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Witten and Kramers operators, [11] The approach given in [HKN] intensively uses, together with the techniques of [HelSj4], • the Witten Laplacian is associated to a cohomology complex • exp−fx h is in the kernel of the Witten Laplacian on 0-forms This permits to construct – …

Witten Laplacian Latest Research Papers

Witten Laplacian Recently Published Documents, TOTAL DOCUMENTS, 31 FIVE YEARS 12 H-INDEX, 6 FIVE YEARS 3 Latest Documents Graph-based Analysis Top Cited Related Keywords Top Authors Related Journals Latest Documents; Graph-based Analysis; Top Cited; Related Keywords; Top Authors; Related Journals ; Liouville theorems and elliptic gradient estimates for a nonlinear parabolic …

On Witten Laplacians and Brascamp–Lieb’s Inequality on

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HAL Id: hal-01349786 https://hal,archives-ouvertes,fr/hal-01349786v2 Submitted on 22 Feb 2017 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and

PDF Small eigenvalues of the Witten Laplacian acting on

Date de publication : avr, 08, 2010Temps de Lecture Estimé: 4 mins

Small eigenv alues of the Witten Laplacian acting on p-forms on a surface, Asymp-totic Analysis, IOS Press, 2011, 73 4, pp,187 – 201, 10,3233/ASY-2011-1036 , hal-00473114 Small eigenv alues of

Witten Laplacian on a lattice spin system

Witten Laplacian on a lattice spin system, FR EN, Ichiro SHIGEKAWA, Astérisque , 2009, Consulter un extrait; Année : 2009; Tome : 327; Format : Électronique; Langue de l’ouvrage : Anglais Class, Math, : 60H07, 47D08, 47A10; Pages : 115-129; DOI : 10,24033/ast,860; Nous considérons un réseau de spin muni d’une mesure de Gibbs, Nous introduisons l’opérateur de Hodge-Kodaira …

Perelman’s entropy formula for the Witten Laplacian on

In this paper, we study Perelman’s $${{\\mathcal W}}$$ -entropy formula for the heat equation associated with the Witten Laplacian on complete Riemannian manifolds via the Bakry–Emery Ricci curvature, Under the assumption that the m-dimensional Bakry–Emery Ricci curvature is bounded from below, we prove an analogue of Perelman’s and Ni’s entropy formula for the $${\\mathcal{W


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Witten Laplacian, differential forms, multiplicity of eigenvalues, The author benefited from the ANR grant Geodycos ANR-07-BLAN-0140-01, ©2012 American Mathematical Society Reverts to public domain 28 yeärs from publication 2825, 2826 PIERRE JAMMES Le but,de cet article est de montrer qu’en dimension supérieure ou égale à 4, on peut prescrire le spectre du laplacien de Witten sans

Exponentially small eigenvalues of Witten Laplacians 2

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Boundary Witten Laplacian Neumann, Dirichlet:replace critical points by generalized critical point rf does not vanish on @M ResultDirichlet:REF Hel er-N,

Sur la multiplicité des valeurs propres du laplacien de Witten

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Keywords : Witten Laplacian, di erential forms, multiplicity of eigenalues,v MSC2000 : 58J50 1, Introduction Depuis que S, Y, Cheng a montré dans [Ch76] que la multiplicité de la k-ième aleurv propre du laplacien sur une surface compacte est majorée en fonction de ket de la topologie, ce problème de multiplicité pour le laplacien agissant sur les fonctions a fait l’objet de nombreux

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